Hi everyone! I thought it'd be nice/useful to have a thread for people who have been accepted by Cambridge this year. Please introduce yourselves with your course and college, and what you're looking forward to about starting university
This!! I feel this so much. I was already having doubts about Cambridge and my super high offer isn't helping with that
Had a panic attack in my first exam yesterday and wasted 40 mins crying and pulling clumps of hair out!!! so now I've almost definitely failed that one. Exams are the absolute worst and the offer does not make it better ugh
Had a panic attack in my first exam yesterday and wasted 40 mins crying and pulling clumps of hair out!!! so now I've almost definitely failed that one. Exams are the absolute worst and the offer does not make it better ugh
Oh no I'm so sorry that sounds awful. You should be able to get special consideration though I think, right? Yeah I feel you although I've kind of been having the opposite reaction. When I get into the exam I feel totally sleepy and can't seem to understand that it's the real thing, so I've been going too slowly and haven't finished a single paper yet so far. It feels like a mock or something, then I hate myself after it's done. I really hope it gets better for you! Exams are so stupid and don't reflect what most of us are capable of. I do think that our cohort is probably an unusual one and a lot of us must be struggling. We can thank covid for that one.
Oh no I'm so sorry that sounds awful. You should be able to get special consideration though I think, right? Yeah I feel you although I've kind of been having the opposite reaction. When I get into the exam I feel totally sleepy and can't seem to understand that it's the real thing, so I've been going too slowly and haven't finished a single paper yet so far. It feels like a mock or something, then I hate myself after it's done. I really hope it gets better for you! Exams are so stupid and don't reflect what most of us are capable of. I do think that our cohort is probably an unusual one and a lot of us must be struggling. We can thank covid for that one.
I can't process that we're sitting them either, I'm either in total denial and just spaced out or freaking out :/ Today I wrote 6 pages for one essay and only 3 for the other, just messed up timing so much even though I've done PPQs so I'm not finishing properly
I can't process that we're sitting them either, I'm either in total denial and just spaced out or freaking out :/ Today I wrote 6 pages for one essay and only 3 for the other, just messed up timing so much even though I've done PPQs so I'm not finishing properly
That's exactly what I've been doing so far, spending too long on one part and not finishing the other. My English essays have been so unbalanced it's ridiculous like on my first exam I literally wrote 1.5 paragraphs and an intro for the second question. I'm relieved it's half term because I haven't been focused enough on revision so far and I'm hoping I can turn it around this week, although I don't have much motivation. Fingers crossed for both of us. Will you def go to Cambridge if you make the grades? And which college/ subject are you?
That's exactly what I've been doing so far, spending too long on one part and not finishing the other. My English essays have been so unbalanced it's ridiculous like on my first exam I literally wrote 1.5 paragraphs and an intro for the second question. I'm relieved it's half term because I haven't been focused enough on revision so far and I'm hoping I can turn it around this week, although I don't have much motivation. Fingers crossed for both of us. Will you def go to Cambridge if you make the grades? And which college/ subject are you?
yes cambs has been my dream since year 9 . downing for English, you?
yes cambs has been my dream since year 9 . downing for English, you?
Wow, I had no idea what I wanted to do when I was in year 9. I'm not feeling too sure about Cambridge. The school I'm at at the moment is very academically intense and I don't want the next three years of my life to be like the last five, tbh, but I'm hoping that either uni will be better than school or that if I take a gap year I'll be ready to take it on. My offer is from Churchill for Classics
Oh no I'm so sorry that sounds awful. You should be able to get special consideration though I think, right? Yeah I feel you although I've kind of been having the opposite reaction. When I get into the exam I feel totally sleepy and can't seem to understand that it's the real thing, so I've been going too slowly and haven't finished a single paper yet so far. It feels like a mock or something, then I hate myself after it's done. I really hope it gets better for you! Exams are so stupid and don't reflect what most of us are capable of. I do think that our cohort is probably an unusual one and a lot of us must be struggling. We can thank covid for that one.
I totally get what you mean about it feeling like a mock. I literally spaced out in the middle of my history exam on Thursday and was staring out the window at a pigeon (I sit in a computer room). And I have this stupid habit where I won’t use all my knowledge for essays because I feel like what I’ve put down is enough even though it’s not! I agree that exams are crap.
I totally get what you mean about it feeling like a mock. I literally spaced out in the middle of my history exam on Thursday and was staring out the window at a pigeon (I sit in a computer room). And I have this stupid habit where I won’t use all my knowledge for essays because I feel like what I’ve put down is enough even though it’s not! I agree that exams are crap.
wtf that's ridiculous why would they make it so high??
They told us Churchill is trying to progress up the college rankings atm, so most of their offers this year were above the standard. My school is a super academically competitive one too, so I get why I'd be targeted for a particularly high offer. Doesn't mean I'm not freaking out about it though!