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Unit 7: BTECH IT Mobile App Development PART B & C

Hi there. Could anyone please assist me with this app? It would be extremely beneficial because I am suffering from medical issues. I couldn't attend class and thus missed out, and I don't know how to create this app on MIT App Inventor. Could you please assist me in developing this app based on this scenario?

You work as a junior programmer for an educational charity which supports young children in developing English, Mathematics, and Information Technology (IT) skills.
You have been asked to design and develop a mobile app which will help children improve their mental arithmetic. However, the educational charity would also consider a mobile app that supports young children in developing English or IT skills, but you must gather the user requirements for either English/IT yourself through independent research, meetings, discussions, etc.
The app should run a game where the user has to answer a series of simple random arithmetic questions (add, subtract, multiply and divide) using whole numbers between 1 and 12. Subtraction and division should not produce negative answers. You could make use of multiple-choice questions.
The game should have 10 questions and the app should keep track of the score. The app must have at least one level, level 1 has 30 seconds per question, and additional levels can be added to the game, but not required. For example, level 2 has a 20 second time limit per question and level 3 has a 10 second time limit per question.
The app should include suitable graphics and sounds (e.g. applause when a correct answer is entered) to make it more engaging for young children.
Yh, nws bro. Got it sorted here is the design and have completed the app now need feedback for optimisation for merit
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Really appreciate your help!
(edited 2 years ago)
The specific topics covered in Parts B & C can vary depending on the curriculum and the educational institution. However, the concepts mentioned above provide a general idea of the knowledge and skills you might gain in this course.
Here are some resources that could be helpful:

Android Developer Documentation:

Apple Developer Documentation:

Udacity Mobile Development Courses:

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have any specific questions about app development concepts.

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