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Why are fat people considered unattractive?

Right, purely out of curiosity, rather than sympathy due to unfortunately being overweight myself, I am asking this question.

Why are overweight people considered, in general, to be less attractive?

I know from experience that people who are total chavs can just judge people based on their size, and obviously bully them among other things, but it does seem that size plays a role in the beginning and development of relationships. And very rarely do I see people of very different sizes coming together as a couple. Added to this my own personal experience of having all my slimmer trimmer friends (well quite a few of) have their share of admirers and relationships, whereas I and some of my more plump comrades do not seem to get our share of attention in terms of the romance department...

So I guess, discuss why... because I do not really get it.

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Reply 1
Beauty is supposed to be to do with the golden number and assumed fertility. If you're larger than you're less likely to fit in with the golden number and will not be as fertile (losing a bit of weight is nearly always recommended for people trying to conceive)
Reply 2
That's very sociobiological isn't it. That we are attracted to those who are better reproduction. Isn't that argument usually completely and utterly flawed?

But it's nicer than saying "because people don't like seeing wobbling flab or people panting after walking up one flight of stairs" :biggrin:

Personally I reckon it's true. We're generally more likely to go for someone fit and healthy looking to partner up with. I personally think biological things do play quite a role in our choosing of mates - remember that experiment on women which showed that at different times of their cycle women preferred different looking men (at ovulation they liked men who had the characteristics associated with lots of testosterone)?
Reply 3
That's very sociobiological isn't it. That we are attracted to those who are better reproduction. Isn't that argument usually completely and utterly flawed?

Nope, several studies have shown conclusively that people who appear more healthy and fit are seen by the majority as being attractive.
Reply 4
But if its based on potential to produce good offspring, would factors such as the individuals intelligence and personality not play a role as well, and why would this take a back seat to looks?
Reply 5
Didn't 'voluptuous' women used to attractive once? In Africa fatter people are more attractive (according to my geography teacher). It's because the social norm nowadays and the media portrays slim people a lot more as successful or superior or something like that. and everyone wants to be like celebrities. Thats probably a bad analysis oh well.

Voluptuous is different from fat. A woman needs a certain amount of fat in order to bear children anyway (having periods in the first place for example) so I'm sure that stick thin people are probably less attractive than a woman with an hourglass figure. All of this is of course based on external and first impressions so I hope noone tells me "oh but i'm curvy but don't have periods".

I expect it's a mixture of natural/biological and social factors.
Reply 6
The most sexually attractive trait is confidence. If you don't have any, you won't pull.

Because of the media portraying thin people as attractive, some fat people have issues regarding self esteem.

From my own personal experience of being ugly, large amounts of charisma cover it all up.
Reply 7
Voluptuous is different from fat. A woman needs a certain amount of fat in order to bear children anyway (having periods in the first place for example) so I'm sure that stick thin people are probably less attractive than a woman with an hourglass figure. All of this is of course based on external and first impressions so I hope noone tells me "oh but i'm curvy but don't have periods".

I expect it's a mixture of natural/biological and social factors.

The 'ideal' female figure being promoted by the mainstream media is hardly ripe for fertility. Low body weight can cause amenorrhea, which in turn can lead to infertility. I myself am probably infertile due to relatively early onset anorexia. (and relapses). There is, of course, a 'golden mean', but it is certainly not the image being perpetuated by the mainstream media atm - tragically.
Reply 8
because simply fattness is not attractive,fat people have to wear clothes that are not that attractiver because shops realy have an over sized clothes,and fattness makes their face look less sexy and body plays a role if your body is not attractive then people go like aww he/she has a cute face shame he/she has a body like that,it sounds cruel but it's the reality of the world.
Reply 9
because simply fattness is not attractive,fat people have to wear clothes that are not that attractiver because shops realy have an over sized clothes,and fattness makes their face look less sexy and body plays a role if your body is not attractive then people go like aww he/she has a cute face shame he/she has a body like that,it sounds cruel but it's the reality of the world.

It is indeed the reality of the world 'at this point in time'. A glance at the changing perceptions of 'beauty' throughout the ages indicates to me that our perceptions are (to a certain extent) governed by social conditioning. No, 'fatness', is not considered 'attractive' by most people, but is this a result of the crap the media shoves down our throats everyday - that a woman has to be stick thin in order to be 'beautiful'. 'Let us be beautiful or die' (and some people do).

And there's always lyposuction :eek:
Reply 10
It is indeed the reality of the world 'at this point in time'. A glance at the changing perceptions of 'beauty' throughout the ages indicates to me that our perceptions are (to a certain extent) governed by social conditioning. No, 'fatness', is not considered 'attractive' by most people, but is this a result of the crap the media shoves down our throats everyday - that a woman has to be stick thin in order to be 'beautiful'. 'Let us be beautiful or die' (and some people do).

And there's always lyposuction :eek:

Or prolonged starvation, or laxative abuse or even blood letting. 'I'd rather die than be fat' - the perennial and tedious refrain from anorectics.

The ideal body (imho):
because when you open a magazine for 10 yr olds..what do you see on the front page? : 15 ways to look weight and so look pretty! THe media is just 'brainwashing' people from a young age that fat is ugly. Now I'm not going to say that i'd rather be fat than skinny coz i wouldn't. But then I don't think that people should think that a perfect body is a girl who's 1.90 m and who weighs 10 kilos either.
Reply 12
Overweight in some cases is a disease, at least unconsciously your instinct search a couple to give birth a healthy baby.
Eternal Idol
Overweight in some cases is a disease, at least unconsciously your instinct search a couple to give birth a healthy baby.

is that what you think of when you see a slightly overweight male/female: eeew don't want to go out with her/him coz our baby won't be healthy?? :confused:

btw..where abts in Spain d'you live?? :smile:
Reply 14
I've clearly said unconsciously, you don't think in that cases is just instinct.

I live in Bilbao but I'm not spanish anyway.
wild thing
is that what you think of when you see a slightly overweight male/female: eeew don't want to go out with her/him coz our baby won't be healthy?? :confused:

No, this happens at a subconcious level - what is seen as generally attractive?
- 'Hourglass figure' with hips larger than the waist - this from a reproductive pov is good to allow a foetus through the pelvis.
- Breast size (I know this varies between guys but generally small is not as good) - good for breastfeeding
- Clear skin and smell - lack of disease
- Neither very fat or very thin - fat is not so good for fertility, thin not good for childbearing.
Most of the general things seen as attractive can be explained from a reproductive point of view, of course this does not mean that is the reason for it, but it is possible.
In terms of evolution, preference for a body shape that is good for childbearing is going to be a favourable trait.
mmm...well but when you're like 17 - 23 yrs old it's not like you think already of having children...i know you[ don't think but still unconsciously you do imagine yourself having a baby with someone you've just looked at...
ok forget making no sense
Reply 17
There are survival mechanisms in the human race quite older than you and me and we don't control or think constantly about them.

Golden Maverick
No, this happens at a subconcious level - what is seen as generally attractive?
- 'Hourglass figure' with hips larger than the waist - this from a reproductive pov is good to allow a foetus through the pelvis.
- Breast size (I know this varies between guys but generally small is not as good) - good for breastfeeding
- Clear skin and smell - lack of disease
- Neither very fat or very thin - fat is not so good for fertility, thin not good for childbearing.
Most of the general things seen as attractive can be explained from a reproductive point of view, of course this does not mean that is the reason for it, but it is possible.
In terms of evolution, preference for a body shape that is good for childbearing is going to be a favourable trait.

Spot on, I'd say. The reason that women with an hourglass figure are often thought of as attractive is because small/ medium sized waists (ie lack of body fat) gives the impression that the breasts and hips are not mostly fat- otherwise 300lb women with bras you could use as hammocks might be considered the social norm of attractiveness.
Reply 19
~i think it also depends on which era/race/culture you're in--the fads, what ppl of that particular period considered to be attractive. Just look at all those renaissance paintings and things, with images of women that we'd call ugly and fat today...NOwadays, it's the media, and the celebrity status of models/supermodels that dictates 'thin-ness' as the body shape to be! :frown: :mad: