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GSK or AstraZeneca degree apprenticeship applicants?

Anyone out there applied to a GSK or AstraZeneca degree apprenticeship?

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Reply 1
Hey I have.. technology! What about you?
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by Dhings
Hey I have.. technology! What about you?

Laboratory scientist!

I don't know if the timings are different for different apprenticeships - How far are you in the application process?
I've also applied to Laboratory Scientist but I haven't heard anything about assessment centres yet. I had to do the Pymetrics test for AstraZeneca and a virtual activity thing for GSK.
Reply 4
I've applied for Clinical Supply Chain & Logistics at both GSK and AstraZeneca!

I did the World of GSK assessment and then GSK Life job simulation, and I did the pymetrics then the two assessments for AZ.

Still waiting to hear re assessment centres for both :smile:

I emailed AZ about when we'd hear back and they said:

'All applications are currently being reviewed now with managers having to hand a shortlist in by the 17th of March. Communications regarding application outcomes and invites will be sent out after that with assessment days taking place in April.'

So hopefully this coming week or the one after!
Reply 5
yup i did! the chemical engineering one at both GSK and AstraZeneca! Does anyone know how many apprentices they take on?
Reply 6
Which location(s) have you guys applied for?!
Original post by bbdiya
yup i did! the chemical engineering one at both GSK and AstraZeneca! Does anyone know how many apprentices they take on?

Hey - I’ve applied for chem eng in both too! I’ve got as far as possible at the moment so think i’m just waiting to hear about the final stage. Good luck and let me know if you hear anything! Any clue what uni GSK’s is with?
Original post by jador66
Which location(s) have you guys applied for?!

Mine is only at stevenage wbu?
Reply 9
Original post by molly0702
Hey - I’ve applied for chem eng in both too! I’ve got as far as possible at the moment so think i’m just waiting to hear about the final stage. Good luck and let me know if you hear anything! Any clue what uni GSK’s is with?

omg that’s so cool keep me updated ! i’m the same just waiting to hear back about the final stage but i know i messed up on the GSK job simulation so hopes aren’t that high lmao. i have no clue abt the uni they didn’t mention one anywhere ugh. did you apply for chem eng at uni as well?
Yay keep me updated too! It’s so weird it doesn’t mention it but i’ll definitely ask if I get to the next stage. I found the video bit of the GSK job simulation frustrating as I just don’t feel I portrayed myself properly but hopefully we’ve both scraped through! Yes i’ve applied to uni too, think i’d firm Imperial and insure Bath what about you?
Original post by bbdiya
omg that’s so cool keep me updated ! i’m the same just waiting to hear back about the final stage but i know i messed up on the GSK job simulation so hopes aren’t that high lmao. i have no clue abt the uni they didn’t mention one anywhere ugh. did you apply for chem eng at uni as well?

Sorry I replied to this but forgot to continue the thread!^
Reply 12
Original post by molly0702
Yay keep me updated too! It’s so weird it doesn’t mention it but i’ll definitely ask if I get to the next stage. I found the video bit of the GSK job simulation frustrating as I just don’t feel I portrayed myself properly but hopefully we’ve both scraped through! Yes i’ve applied to uni too, think i’d firm Imperial and insure Bath what about you?

yeah me too! i hope we get through - and same i thought i didn’t really represent who i was through the videos but oh well we’ll see. I think i’m going to firm strathclyde! no clue for my insurance tho. damn imperial u smart😩💅
Reply 13
Original post by molly0702
Mine is only at stevenage wbu?

Stevenage as well!
Original post by jador66
I've applied for Clinical Supply Chain & Logistics at both GSK and AstraZeneca!

I did the World of GSK assessment and then GSK Life job simulation, and I did the pymetrics then the two assessments for AZ.

Still waiting to hear re assessment centres for both :smile:

I emailed AZ about when we'd hear back and they said:

'All applications are currently being reviewed now with managers having to hand a shortlist in by the 17th of March. Communications regarding application outcomes and invites will be sent out after that with assessment days taking place in April.'

So hopefully this coming week or the one after!

You've made me feel a lot better! Best of luck with your application.
Original post by bbdiya
yeah me too! i hope we get through - and same i thought i didn’t really represent who i was through the videos but oh well we’ll see. I think i’m going to firm strathclyde! no clue for my insurance tho. damn imperial u smart😩💅

Ahahahah thank you!! Are you leaning more towards uni or apprenticeship (if you got one)? Especially interesting with the AZ one being provided by Strathclyde as well! I’m trying not to get too set on one or the other in case uni becomes my only option😬
Reply 16
Original post by dorotheapenguin
You've made me feel a lot better! Best of luck with your application.

I'm so glad :smile: that's why I'm so happy this forum popped up - you don't feel like you're on your own in this application process anymore.

Good luck with yours also, maybe see you at one of the ACs :wink:
Reply 17
Original post by molly0702
Hey - I’ve applied for chem eng in both too! I’ve got as far as possible at the moment so think i’m just waiting to hear about the final stage. Good luck and let me know if you hear anything! Any clue what uni GSK’s is with?

From this link:

Looks like chem eng might be at Strathclyde as well.
Original post by jador66
From this link:

Looks like chem eng might be at Strathclyde as well.

Oh wow that’s so interesting thank you! So good you sent that as I think a few people have been wondering the same. It’s great they associate with such a good uni!
Reply 19
Original post by molly0702
Ahahahah thank you!! Are you leaning more towards uni or apprenticeship (if you got one)? Especially interesting with the AZ one being provided by Strathclyde as well! I’m trying not to get too set on one or the other in case uni becomes my only option😬

bro it literally switches- i love glasgow so going to uni there would be amazing but then again working with such good companies doing in real life projects would also be so fun. idk i’ll be happy with either😌

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