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geofactsheets and geofiles?

Where can I find geofactsheets and geofiles other than asking my teachers to photocopy them?
Reply 1
They (ie your teachers) should have most of them as adobe acrobat files and should be able to put them on your school network. That's what I have done with all the ones I have. Strictly speaking when they are bought, they are bought for students in a particular institution.
Reply 2
our college keeps the geofactsheets in our library in a big blue file

they have to be bought and can be done onine but i have sourced a few that have been 'shared' online naughty i know but i didn't do it :biggrin:
Reply 3
Ohhh I had, saved in my favourites, a website with a whole lot of them on there, but its not working some reason :s-smilie: Maybe just try googling it and see what it comes up with.
Well, give me your email, because i have all of them in two folders. I can pass them onto you.
Original post by TKnightrider
Well, give me your email, because i have all of them in two folders. I can pass them onto you.

do you still have them?