If the boys you meet in clubs and bars are only up for sex then maybe you need to spread the net wider. Do your fellow students have suitable friends, brothers etc that you could get to know outside the framework of a club?
Do you belong to any society where you can make friendships where the expectation is of just spending time together rather than ending in sex? You are still young enough for Duke of Edinburgh schemes and that sort of stuff. You have fun but the emphasis is on the activity rather than pairing off.
Personally, I don't see clubbing as the right place to make long term relationships. There's too much alcohol and drugs going on to allow you time to get to know if you really like a person or if you just fancy them.
Forget about dating the boys you meet and just see if you like them as friends and if they have the potential. It isn't always 'love at first sight'. Sometimes the best relationships are slow growing and you reach the point where you think if this person wasn't there my life would be empty, and you realise how much they mean to you.