The Student Room Group

Interview at Southampton..

Anybody else received an invite to interview at Southampton?!
I've got mine for Philosophy & Economics...

Think i'm probably going to go to the December 3rd visit day as the January 14th is in the middle of exams!

Do Southampton interview for all courses?

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Reply 1
I Got an invite to visit for physics and astronomy for december.Is this a proper interview , or just an open day???
Reply 2
I Got an invite to visit for physics and astronomy for december.Is this a proper interview , or just an open day???

it will say on your letter if it's an interview as well. they don't interview for all subjects so you could be lucky!

until you've been to a visit day, they won't offer you a place.
Reply 3
kool , I havent got an intreview then:biggrin:
Reply 4
I've got an interview for Computer Science there a week tomorrow. Really looking forward to visiting the place. Anyone else going that day?
Reply 5
Ive got an interview/open day on the 3rd of December for Archaeology and History. Its a pain to get there, but my older brother is already a student there so at least i get to stay with him!
Reply 6
Ive got an interview/open day on the 3rd of December for Archaeology and History. Its a pain to get there, but my older brother is already a student there so at least i get to stay with him!

cool, that's the same as me! Avenue Campus yeah?
I'm going to be there sooooooooo early it's unreal - my plane gets into Southampton at 8am!!!
Reply 7
I've been invited for an open day for physics and astronomy in december, it says on the letter than the interview is optional :smile:
Reply 8
cool, that's the same as me! Avenue Campus yeah?
I'm going to be there sooooooooo early it's unreal - my plane gets into Southampton at 8am!!!

Yup thats the one, and my plane gets in at about 8.30am! PLus my older brother told me it has propellors...should be a fun flight! Hehe, might see you there, even though i guess archaeology will do their tour separately.

Ive already been inside the main building at Avenue and their its bit dingy on the inside, but still a nice place.
Reply 9
Yup thats the one, and my plane gets in at about 8.30am! PLus my older brother told me it has propellors...should be a fun flight! Hehe, might see you there, even though i guess archaeology will do their tour separately.

Ive already been inside the main building at Avenue and their its bit dingy on the inside, but still a nice place.

I've not been inside it - couldn't get to Southampton on the open day because the flights from Guernsey were cancelled :-(
The building looks really pretty from the outside though!

So are you travelling by bus to the campus? I've been told to...
Do you know if the bus station is near the airport?! I'm rubbish at navigating my way around!

What are you going to do until the day starts?
Reply 10
My brother is meeting me at the airport so i presume we'll get the unilink bus to the uni. Until the day starts i guess i'll just hang out in his horrible student house!

If you want, ill ask him where the bus station is at the airport for the university bus and get back to you when i find out? (i have no sense of direction either lol)
Reply 11
thankyou! that would be fantastic!
i just don't really want to hang around like a loser...
i mean i will be because i'll be there so early but i'd rather be a loser who knows where she's going rather than one who is just wandering around lost!
any help would be great!
Reply 12
I spoke to him today and he said the bus station is there as soon as you walk out of arrivals :smile:
Reply 13
thnakyouuuuu :-)
hopefully I won't miss that and look like a loser wandering around anymore!

have you had any offers from anywhere else?
Reply 14
Yeh, ive got offers from Leicester and Kent but i rank Southampton higher than those two....really hoping they give me an offer cus im not sure i'll get into my top 2!

How about you?
Reply 15
Yeh, ive got offers from Leicester and Kent but i rank Southampton higher than those two....really hoping they give me an offer cus im not sure i'll get into my top 2!

Because rankings mean everything :rolleyes: Right?
Reply 16
Er....i dont think they do, thank you. What i meant when i said i rank it higher was that i personally prefer that course and university.
Southampton generally do no interviews - even for medicine. It may just be that the philosophy/economics department felt like interviewing you. My guess would be that it was the philosophy department...
Reply 18
Ive got an interview for southampton on the 3rd for philosophy... shud be good
yay i have an interview for nursing on the 10th Dec :smile:

scary scary!

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