The Student Room Group

Does anyone here hate Turnitin?


Do you hate or love Turnitin

The most annoying essay cross-referencing system in the world. The problem is that it looks for matches rather than actual plagiarism, so even if you have a match on Turnitin for 22% you are still called up to your tutor and given this whole speech on plagiarism even if you have done nothing of the sort. It's not even always accurate and if you just happened to have the same idea for let's say a Literature essay as another student studying 10,000 miles away both of you still get in trouble for possible plagiarism despite the odds of similarity in a subject like literature are very high. The fact that the final decision rests on your individual tutor's discretion means you are pretty much failed if your tutor doesn't like you.
Reply 1
******* pain in the arse, its a brilliantly stupid idea and i agree wholly with your statement
Reply 2
******* pain in the arse, its a brilliantly stupid idea and i agree wholly with your statement

Yes. :five:
Reply 3
My tutors weren't that bad - we were told that anything up to about 20% 'plagiarised' was ok (depending on the size of the essay), given that you're pulled up for quotes and references etc. It was when they had essays coming back with matches of 30-40% that they got worried. I think the highest I ever had was 8%, which freaked me out completely but it was just because I'd used a lot of the same books as someone at (I think) Aberystwyth, and because I'd 're-used' a quote from an earlier essay so it found that too ...
Reply 4
my mate had a problem with one his essays, because he had emailed one to his tutor accidentally and also sent one to turnitin it came up with a 100% plagiarism mark and it took a while for the whole issue to get resolved.
Reply 5
Not had to use it yet,will be in a few weeks though

Original post by priyas_accountt
i agree i have ****** ***** bfbd dhdbd.(Original post by Jemmikins)it ******* sucks ass
Turnitin is fine. The % figure is a relatively crude measure and not that useful in and of itself. What is good about Turnitin is that it highlights blocks of text that have been copied almost verbatim and directs you to their original source. That is the very definition of plagiarism.
(edited 1 year ago)