heyy im not doing my gsce im in year 10 however i have been in set one everything and get average 8/9s so here is my advice
it would be a good idea to figure out what type of learner you are: auditory, visual, ect.
active recall - past papers are your best friends and im very serious. they will help you understand how questions are asked in your gsce and the very specific mark scheme
^^ to find past papers or specific exam questions on certain topics check physicsandmathtutor.com
flash cards are also a great deal of help
dont waste time rewritting notes from your revision guides it will not help you, your not absorbing any new information. especially this close to gsces its not worth it.
For english:
- mind maps / blurting
- flash cards
- go on yt and find videos that go through how to answer questions/structure and find practice questions and attempt to replicate it
for science subjects:
- past papers
- flash cards
- freesciencelessons and primrosekitten on yt is a great help
humanity subjects:
- same as english