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Is anyone studying Construction Project Management at Sheffield Hallam?

I'm 19, from Birmingham, got an offer to start in September.
If you're starting this year, are you looking forward to it?
If you're already on the course, do you enjoy it?
I can't find many people talking about this course...
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 1
Original post by m.roses
I'm 19, from Birmingham, got an offer to start in September.
If you're starting this year, are you looking forward to it?
If you're already on the course, do you enjoy it?
I can't find many people talking about this course...

Hey, I want to go to the exact same uni and do the same course. How’s it going for you?
Reply 2
Original post by jem.i27
Hey, I want to go to the exact same uni and do the same course. How’s it going for you?

Really well! The subject is really interesting, and my academic advisor is great. Your lecturers will be really supportive, and the class size is quite small (there are around 15 regularly attending) you get a lot of support during class time. All lecture powerpoints will be on BlackBoard and a lot of lectures are recorded.

Intro to CPM and Land Surveying modules only have CPM students, so you get a lot of help and get through more material. Land Surveying is mainly practicals but has a lot of maths, so I suggest brushing up on your trigonometry before starting. Also look up how to fill in a survey book, it'll really help you. I'd attend every indoor lecture for this one if I were you, you absolutely cannot afford to miss the maths if you want to pass the exam. Intro to CPM is pretty straightforward, and you get to go on site visits sometimes.

Material Science and Understanding Building Technology are the most dense courses. There is a lot of content in these, and you cannot afford to slack off. Material Science has a lot of labs, and they provide information that isn't available online. Law and economics is probably the easiest, especially if you've studied those subjects before. All three of these modules are shared with QS and Building Surveying students, so you get less support, so please go to the seminars for those.

Uni and City
I don't know if you live in Sheffield, but if you don't it's a really diverse city with lots of clubs, bars, and restaurants. I love it! The uni is close to the city centre and train station. Most of your lectures will be in the main campus, so I'd suggest getting accommodation near there, but not too far from collegiate because that's where your practicals for Land Surveying will be. The best location is probably the area where New Era, The Forge, The Elements, and the Trigon are, because they are closer to City, but not too far from Collegiate.

I'm really enjoying my experience on the course so far, and I'm really glad I chose this uni. The people and lecturers on the course are really friendly, and the class size being so small makes you all closer. I hope you get in! Send me a PM if you have any more questions about the course.
Original post by jem.i27
Hey, I want to go to the exact same uni and do the same course. How’s it going for you?

Hello @jem.i27
Its nice to know that you're considering coming to Hallam. I can see you have received a response to your question from the thread starter, which is quite detailed as well. However, I will like to recommend attending one of our open days to learn more about the course. If you attend the open days, you get the chance to speak to course leaders and current students who can tell you what it's like studying the course. You can book onto our next undergraduate open day which is on the 24th of June 2023. There's a lot to find out at our open days which can help solidify your plans.

Wish you all the best and hopefully we'll see you on campus soon.

Yemi - Official Rep for Sheffield Hallam University
Reply 4
Original post by m.roses
Really well! The subject is really interesting, and my academic advisor is great. Your lecturers will be really supportive, and the class size is quite small (there are around 15 regularly attending) you get a lot of support during class time. All lecture powerpoints will be on BlackBoard and a lot of lectures are recorded.ModulesIntro to CPM and Land Surveying modules only have CPM students, so you get a lot of help and get through more material. Land Surveying is mainly practicals but has a lot of maths, so I suggest brushing up on your trigonometry before starting. Also look up how to fill in a survey book, it'll really help you. I'd attend every indoor lecture for this one if I were you, you absolutely cannot afford to miss the maths if you want to pass the exam. Intro to CPM is pretty straightforward, and you get to go on site visits sometimes.Material Science and Understanding Building Technology are the most dense courses. There is a lot of content in these, and you cannot afford to slack off. Material Science has a lot of labs, and they provide information that isn't available online. Law and economics is probably the easiest, especially if you've studied those subjects before. All three of these modules are shared with QS and Building Surveying students, so you get less support, so please go to the seminars for those.Uni and CityI don't know if you live in Sheffield, but if you don't it's a really diverse city with lots of clubs, bars, and restaurants. I love it! The uni is close to the city centre and train station. Most of your lectures will be in the main campus, so I'd suggest getting accommodation near there, but not too far from collegiate because that's where your practicals for Land Surveying will be. The best location is probably the area where New Era, The Forge, The Elements, and the Trigon are, because they are closer to City, but not too far from Collegiate.OverallI'm really enjoying my experience on the course so far, and I'm really glad I chose this uni. The people and lecturers on the course are really friendly, and the class size being so small makes you all closer. I hope you get in! Send me a PM if you have any more questions about the course.
Would you need to be an expert at trigonometry or A level maths to be able to get past this course ?
Reply 5
Original post by Ha1609
Would you need to be an expert at trigonometry or A level maths to be able to get past this course ?

No 😭 I'm just not good at that stuff. It helps, but it's only on one module, so if you attend all the lectures you'll be fine.

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