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Can you get into any Law Russel Groups with AAB?

Most appear to want AAA at the least. However, when I look up courses on unifrog that want AAA it sometimes says something like "70% successful applicants had the same qualifications as you and had average grades of AAB"

Does anyone know what this means??

And to people already doing law in RGs, do you know people who were able to get in with slightly lower grades than required? How common is this?

Thanks in advance :smile: !
Original post by jumbomumbo3
Most appear to want AAA at the least. However, when I look up courses on unifrog that want AAA it sometimes says something like "70% successful applicants had the same qualifications as you and had average grades of AAB"

Does anyone know what this means??

And to people already doing law in RGs, do you know people who were able to get in with slightly lower grades than required? How common is this?

Thanks in advance :smile: !

I think AAB would be the average for law, maybe, not law at a RG university. AAA is pretty standard I think for a good university. Law is a competitive course at good unis, and is over-subscribed, so there is no need for a good uni to lower their entry requirement. In other words, if the standard offer is AAA and your prediction is AAB, then it's unlikely that you'd be made an offer. If you're predicted AAA and get AAB in the exams, they might take you, they might not.

If you're a WP applicant, then a lower offer of AAB/ABB is quite possible. Do you have any relevant contextual data?
Could that be historical data averaged though? Certainly due to grade inflation this doesn’t seem to have been the case so much in the last year.

I did read however that some of the more prestigious Unis don’t like to go into clearing, so might still take a strong student who was offered but missed their grade by one or two. I don’t think you can bank on this though. It’s really tough for law especially if you’re set on a RG Uni.
Cardiff's entry requirement for law is AAB. That's a Russell.
Actually I’ve just thought. Do you have an EPQ in a law topic? A few of the RG do mention a slightly lower ‘dual offer’ for students who get an A or above in their EPQ. I’m looking at this myself. This offer consists of one lower grade usually ie AAA becomes AAB. However, I didn’t see many of these offers being made this year (or at least not discussed) due to grade inflation & over subbed courses.

Or as realitycheck says, the other option is a contextual offer depending on where you live, been in care etc.

It is possible some of these offers were incorporated into the data you saw and that’s why the grades were lower.
Original post by LawApplicant03
Cardiff's entry requirement for law is AAB. That's a Russell.

Standard offer is AAA, AAB is EPQ or contextual offer. It’s always a pain when they list their entry requirements as AAA/AAB as it really isn’t unless you have a compensation offer.
Original post by BarryScott2022
Standard offer is AAA, AAB is EPQ or contextual offer. It’s always a pain when they list their entry requirements as AAA/AAB as it really isn’t unless you have a compensation offer.

Oh wow. I didn't realise that. Sad.
Original post by LawApplicant03
Oh wow. I didn't realise that. Sad.

Yes. It’s a bit cunning really 😬. There’s a few that list their grades that way and if you delve into the small print it’s as I describe.
Original post by BarryScott2022
Yes. It’s a bit cunning really 😬. There’s a few that list their grades that way and if you delve into the small print it’s as I describe.

It is pretty shrewd. So I'm assuming Bristols' A*AB is also for contextual applicants?
Original post by LawApplicant03
It is pretty shrewd. So I'm assuming Bristols' A*AB is also for contextual applicants?

It’s A*AA or A*A*B or contextual is AAB don’t think they do EPQ? I haven’t considered Bristol tbh so not that au fait with them.
Reply 10
This year 2022 entry it has moved to AAA in line with other RG
Original post by LawApplicant03
Cardiff's entry requirement for law is AAB. That's a Russell.
Original post by Reality Check
I think AAB would be the average for law, maybe, not law at a RG university. AAA is pretty standard I think for a good university. Law is a competitive course at good unis, and is over-subscribed, so there is no need for a good uni to lower their entry requirement. In other words, if the standard offer is AAA and your prediction is AAB, then it's unlikely that you'd be made an offer. If you're predicted AAA and get AAB in the exams, they might take you, they might not.

If you're a WP applicant, then a lower offer of AAB/ABB is quite possible. Do you have any relevant contextual data?

Thanks for the reply :smile: Thing is I'm actually on a gap year. My grades are AAB. My current situation is kinda long to explain, but do you reckon I could get in through clearing maybe, if I don't get an offer?
Original post by BarryScott2022
Could that be historical data averaged though? Certainly due to grade inflation this doesn’t seem to have been the case so much in the last year.

I did read however that some of the more prestigious Unis don’t like to go into clearing, so might still take a strong student who was offered but missed their grade by one or two. I don’t think you can bank on this though. It’s really tough for law especially if you’re set on a RG Uni.

Thank you :frown::frown::frown:
Original post by jumbomumbo3
Thank you :frown::frown::frown:

I see you’re a gap student. Good luck with what you decide.
There’s no harm in trying clearing is there. Your grades are great and would be more than enough in many other courses, just straight law is so competitive. What about considering a dual law degree I.e. law and business or law and criminology, as some of those are slightly less competitive at some places and are often available in clearing. There’s a list of 2020 clearing places somewhere on here.
Original post by BarryScott2022
I see you’re a gap student. Good luck with what you decide.
There’s no harm in trying clearing is there. Your grades are great and would be more than enough in many other courses, just straight law is so competitive. What about considering a dual law degree I.e. law and business or law and criminology, as some of those are slightly less competitive at some places and are often available in clearing. There’s a list of 2020 clearing places somewhere on here.

Thanks :smile: I am actually considering doing law with something, although for whatever reason I find that less appealing than straight law tbh. I think I might try clearing for straight law course at a RG first though. Aren't they more lenient with grades at clearing? If I can't get in, I'll try a dual degree or just settle for a non RG. Lancaster seems pretty nice and only wants RG. I'd really like to go to an RG though :') But anyways, thanks so much for the advice - really appreciate it! Oh and yeah, I think I've seen the list of clearing places somewhere here too. Quite a few RGs were on there if I remember. Though tbh, I hope I dont want to go through clearing. Not knowing where the heck I'm going for another 3 months when I legit already have my grades is just stress :frown:
Original post by jumbomumbo3
Thanks :smile: I am actually considering doing law with something, although for whatever reason I find that less appealing than straight law tbh. I think I might try clearing for straight law course at a RG first though. Aren't they more lenient with grades at clearing? If I can't get in, I'll try a dual degree or just settle for a non RG. Lancaster seems pretty nice and only wants RG. I'd really like to go to an RG though :') But anyways, thanks so much for the advice - really appreciate it! Oh and yeah, I think I've seen the list of clearing places somewhere here too. Quite a few RGs were on there if I remember. Though tbh, I hope I dont want to go through clearing. Not knowing where the heck I'm going for another 3 months when I legit already have my grades is just stress :frown:

I totally understand, so stressful 😓. Yes I’m sure Nottingham and Liverpool were on the list, sometimes it seems to be only international students though which is tough for home ones. Maybe Sheffield & Cardiff too. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. That definitely seems a plan. At least you can be ready on the morning with tel numbers etc and maybe get a head start on those just getting their results.
I’m dreading doing my application this autumn for 2023 entry given all I’ve been reading about rejections this year. I do wish that Unis would just reject early on if you’re a firm reject, rather than keep you waiting. It’s so tough to waits months & months, keeping hope then told no. Good luck!
Reply 16
Original post by username5918742
Thanks :smile: I am actually considering doing law with something, although for whatever reason I find that less appealing than straight law tbh. I think I might try clearing for straight law course at a RG first though. Aren't they more lenient with grades at clearing? If I can't get in, I'll try a dual degree or just settle for a non RG. Lancaster seems pretty nice and only wants RG. I'd really like to go to an RG though :') But anyways, thanks so much for the advice - really appreciate it! Oh and yeah, I think I've seen the list of clearing places somewhere here too. Quite a few RGs were on there if I remember. Though tbh, I hope I dont want to go through clearing. Not knowing where the heck I'm going for another 3 months when I legit already have my grades is just stress :frown:
Hey if you don’t mind me asking what happened in the end, I’m in the middle of doing my a levels and I rlly want to go to a Russel group and I think there might be a chance I get AAB instead of AAA do you think there’s any chance of getting a Russel group in clearing, did it work for you ?

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