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how long to write a decent nea

i am really struggling with my nea it is up to 3,000 word count at the moment however i am thinking of scrapping it and starting anew. the internal deadline set by my teacher is this week, is it possible to finish it withhin 2-3 days and recieve a decent mark and has anyone done this before. my school has provided zero support or guidance and the field trip was extremely useless as we were not prepped or told anything about our nea prior to it. i am conflicted on how to go about it as the teachers have described all the neas of other classmates as extremely poor and not hitting the mark scheme at all however these people have spent much longer and put in alot of detail. i do not want to rush it but im not sure if my school will prevent me from submitting it altogether if it is late.
Original post by ricecake11
i am really struggling with my nea it is up to 3,000 word count at the moment however i am thinking of scrapping it and starting anew. the internal deadline set by my teacher is this week, is it possible to finish it withhin 2-3 days and recieve a decent mark and has anyone done this before. my school has provided zero support or guidance and the field trip was extremely useless as we were not prepped or told anything about our nea prior to it. i am conflicted on how to go about it as the teachers have described all the neas of other classmates as extremely poor and not hitting the mark scheme at all however these people have spent much longer and put in alot of detail. i do not want to rush it but im not sure if my school will prevent me from submitting it altogether if it is late.

What subject is it?? And what year are you too??

I would say for 1. Hitting that internal deadline is a must, a lot of ppl missed deadline at my school and teachers got a bit funny about it which can affect your grade (it shouldn’t but I wouldn’t chance it). They need to have it marked by that date to do external moderation before submission so I’d try stay on teachers good side

What I did for my neas (geography, history and English) was print out the mark scheme, they should be on your exam board somewhere and make sure I’ve written a bit about each one.

For my geography I gave a slide to just all the spec I have done and explained underneath in a sentence where I have done this to prove it.

3k words is a lot! Have you started it yet at all?? What is your topic??
Reply 2
Original post by emilyalicerooney
What subject is it?? And what year are you too??

I would say for 1. Hitting that internal deadline is a must, a lot of ppl missed deadline at my school and teachers got a bit funny about it which can affect your grade (it shouldn’t but I wouldn’t chance it). They need to have it marked by that date to do external moderation before submission so I’d try stay on teachers good side

What I did for my neas (geography, history and English) was print out the mark scheme, they should be on your exam board somewhere and make sure I’ve written a bit about each one.

For my geography I gave a slide to just all the spec I have done and explained underneath in a sentence where I have done this to prove it.

3k words is a lot! Have you started it yet at all?? What is your topic??

y13 and geography, my topic is regeneration since my school did not give us any choice. thank you i will try using the mark scheme and i did not know we were allowed to submit a slide with the spec? how did that go for you?
Original post by ricecake11
y13 and geography, my topic is regeneration since my school did not give us any choice. thank you i will try using the mark scheme and i did not know we were allowed to submit a slide with the spec? how did that go for you?

Ahhhh geography this makes things easier for me to kinda help. My coursework I got 60/60 for and that was from October - March working on it. I’ve attached how I did my specification. I did this at the end of my introduction - I’d did jr all on PowerPoint so it was like 75 slides. Things you need to made sure you’ve done:
Introduction section - need to put in the core processes - mine was on marine processes affecting a bay so I talked about different waves, LSD, different marine processes - all that was in my intro as well as the history of the place, location, how the location is suitable to what I want to study and my 3 hypothesis.

Methodology - I think this was probably the section I was ugh over. Basically you needa know what general methods you used. I attached my beach profile example. What I did was show how to do a general beach profile on one slide and on the next talk through my specific method and how I got my data. Stuff you can talk about - secondary data, photographs, location, NEED A RISK ASSESSMENT!!
And do an ethical risk assessment too!!

Data presentation/analysis- okay here you take all the data and have to interpret it in different ways like graphs, pie charts, composite maps (that’s a map and you put pictures over the top of it and label), bar graphs etc. Idk if there’s any Spearman’s rank or Chi Squared you could use aswell but I would say you need to interpret your data 6 different ways. Then you need to analyse it - exactly how we do 6markers so trends and patterns BUT to boost that grade link it back to WHY. Why has has happened - link to your key processes!!

Conclusion - this one is simple, go through each of your hypothesis and conclude your findings against it. What are the patterns is the conclusion affirmed, why? Then make sure after doing it for each hypothesis, do it overall for your entire project

Evaluation - now go back through your project and evaluate each section - ive attached an example below. But I went through my intro and did strengths and weaknesses and how to improve it - same for methodology, data presentation and my conclusion (there I talked if I could’ve done any other types of hypothesis to strengthen my conclusion)

Finally bibliography at the end - where did you get your info - I attached them all with web links :smile:

Hope this helps, sorry it’s a lot! Lemme know any questions!!

Original post by emilyalicerooney
Ahhhh geography this makes things easier for me to kinda help. My coursework I got 60/60 for and that was from October - March working on it. I’ve attached how I did my specification. I did this at the end of my introduction - I’d did jr all on PowerPoint so it was like 75 slides. Things you need to made sure you’ve done:
Introduction section - need to put in the core processes - mine was on marine processes affecting a bay so I talked about different waves, LSD, different marine processes - all that was in my intro as well as the history of the place, location, how the location is suitable to what I want to study and my 3 hypothesis.

Methodology - I think this was probably the section I was ugh over. Basically you needa know what general methods you used. I attached my beach profile example. What I did was show how to do a general beach profile on one slide and on the next talk through my specific method and how I got my data. Stuff you can talk about - secondary data, photographs, location, NEED A RISK ASSESSMENT!!
And do an ethical risk assessment too!!

Data presentation/analysis- okay here you take all the data and have to interpret it in different ways like graphs, pie charts, composite maps (that’s a map and you put pictures over the top of it and label), bar graphs etc. Idk if there’s any Spearman’s rank or Chi Squared you could use aswell but I would say you need to interpret your data 6 different ways. Then you need to analyse it - exactly how we do 6markers so trends and patterns BUT to boost that grade link it back to WHY. Why has has happened - link to your key processes!!

Conclusion - this one is simple, go through each of your hypothesis and conclude your findings against it. What are the patterns is the conclusion affirmed, why? Then make sure after doing it for each hypothesis, do it overall for your entire project

Evaluation - now go back through your project and evaluate each section - ive attached an example below. But I went through my intro and did strengths and weaknesses and how to improve it - same for methodology, data presentation and my conclusion (there I talked if I could’ve done any other types of hypothesis to strengthen my conclusion)

Finally bibliography at the end - where did you get your info - I attached them all with web links :smile:

Hope this helps, sorry it’s a lot! Lemme know any questions!!


Are the pictures attatched all your own work? It's really good!
Original post by emilyalicerooney
Ahhhh geography this makes things easier for me to kinda help. My coursework I got 60/60 for and that was from October - March working on it. I’ve attached how I did my specification. I did this at the end of my introduction - I’d did jr all on PowerPoint so it was like 75 slides. Things you need to made sure you’ve done:
Introduction section - need to put in the core processes - mine was on marine processes affecting a bay so I talked about different waves, LSD, different marine processes - all that was in my intro as well as the history of the place, location, how the location is suitable to what I want to study and my 3 hypothesis.

Methodology - I think this was probably the section I was ugh over. Basically you needa know what general methods you used. I attached my beach profile example. What I did was show how to do a general beach profile on one slide and on the next talk through my specific method and how I got my data. Stuff you can talk about - secondary data, photographs, location, NEED A RISK ASSESSMENT!!
And do an ethical risk assessment too!!

Data presentation/analysis- okay here you take all the data and have to interpret it in different ways like graphs, pie charts, composite maps (that’s a map and you put pictures over the top of it and label), bar graphs etc. Idk if there’s any Spearman’s rank or Chi Squared you could use aswell but I would say you need to interpret your data 6 different ways. Then you need to analyse it - exactly how we do 6markers so trends and patterns BUT to boost that grade link it back to WHY. Why has has happened - link to your key processes!!

Conclusion - this one is simple, go through each of your hypothesis and conclude your findings against it. What are the patterns is the conclusion affirmed, why? Then make sure after doing it for each hypothesis, do it overall for your entire project

Evaluation - now go back through your project and evaluate each section - ive attached an example below. But I went through my intro and did strengths and weaknesses and how to improve it - same for methodology, data presentation and my conclusion (there I talked if I could’ve done any other types of hypothesis to strengthen my conclusion)

Finally bibliography at the end - where did you get your info - I attached them all with web links :smile:

Hope this helps, sorry it’s a lot! Lemme know any questions!!


Ugh I’m also completing the geo NEA, really struggling with data methodssss and completing them? Do you have any tips
Original post by ithilllonge
Are the pictures attatched all your own work? It's really good!

Yep that’s my own work before the final draft, changed a few bits but that’s pretty much the idea - they’re some of 75 slides tho aha
Reply 7
Original post by emilyalicerooney
Ahhhh geography this makes things easier for me to kinda help. My coursework I got 60/60 for and that was from October - March working on it. I’ve attached how I did my specification. I did this at the end of my introduction - I’d did jr all on PowerPoint so it was like 75 slides. Things you need to made sure you’ve done:
Introduction section - need to put in the core processes - mine was on marine processes affecting a bay so I talked about different waves, LSD, different marine processes - all that was in my intro as well as the history of the place, location, how the location is suitable to what I want to study and my 3 hypothesis.

Methodology - I think this was probably the section I was ugh over. Basically you needa know what general methods you used. I attached my beach profile example. What I did was show how to do a general beach profile on one slide and on the next talk through my specific method and how I got my data. Stuff you can talk about - secondary data, photographs, location, NEED A RISK ASSESSMENT!!
And do an ethical risk assessment too!!

Data presentation/analysis- okay here you take all the data and have to interpret it in different ways like graphs, pie charts, composite maps (that’s a map and you put pictures over the top of it and label), bar graphs etc. Idk if there’s any Spearman’s rank or Chi Squared you could use aswell but I would say you need to interpret your data 6 different ways. Then you need to analyse it - exactly how we do 6markers so trends and patterns BUT to boost that grade link it back to WHY. Why has has happened - link to your key processes!!

Conclusion - this one is simple, go through each of your hypothesis and conclude your findings against it. What are the patterns is the conclusion affirmed, why? Then make sure after doing it for each hypothesis, do it overall for your entire project

Evaluation - now go back through your project and evaluate each section - ive attached an example below. But I went through my intro and did strengths and weaknesses and how to improve it - same for methodology, data presentation and my conclusion (there I talked if I could’ve done any other types of hypothesis to strengthen my conclusion)

Finally bibliography at the end - where did you get your info - I attached them all with web links :smile:

Hope this helps, sorry it’s a lot! Lemme know any questions!!


60/60 is insane, the pictures are telling of why you received a perfect score! & thank you so much!! the explanation under each section has cleared my prior confusion and i do have clearer understanding of what to change etc. my teacher only really explained that we should look at exemplars so this was extremely helpful, hoping i can make something good of my nea with this advice in the limited time i have. how many sentences/ how much did you dedicate of the methodology and data analysis sections to evaluation with strengths and weaknesses? how would you go about putting this where there isn't too much repetition in the evaluation?
Original post by mystudentlife
Ugh I’m also completing the geo NEA, really struggling with data methodssss and completing them? Do you have any tips

Urm data methods really is how you did it - go through your day and lay it out with bullet points. Make sure to add key words like was your process random or systematic, how long did it take to do each method? How many samples did you do? All that’s in your data method stuff :smile:)
Original post by emilyalicerooney
Urm data methods really is how you did it - go through your day and lay it out with bullet points. Make sure to add key words like was your process random or systematic, how long did it take to do each method? How many samples did you do? All that’s in your data method stuff :smile:)

Ahh tyy!! It’s more like annotating maps and things my analysis of the methods is just so vague if ygm
Original post by ricecake11
60/60 is insane, the pictures are telling of why you received a perfect score! & thank you so much!! the explanation under each section has cleared my prior confusion and i do have clearer understanding of what to change etc. my teacher only really explained that we should look at exemplars so this was extremely helpful, hoping i can make something good of my nea with this advice in the limited time i have. how many sentences/ how much did you dedicate of the methodology and data analysis sections to evaluation with strengths and weaknesses? how would you go about putting this where there isn't too much repetition in the evaluation?

I tried to go extra on all my sections so I didn’t miss anything but what I’d say is with your limited time I would aim for trying super hard on methodology and data analysis as they are the key sections as that is where the most marks are. So I did 20 slides for each but that is because I added and analysed lots of pictures and drew a load of graphs. You don’t need to do that at all. I’d say for each data analysis really analyse each example - if you do 6 interpretations then that’s 6 paragraphs. Whereas evaluation i did a bit less - I organised strengths and weaknesses into a table so it looked organised. I did repeat a fair bit but it’s all about how you word it - in the evaluation it was more focused on what was good/bad about what I did whereas in the methodology I spoke about why I did it. If you’re worried about repeating then try to add different interpretations such as pebbles moved from X to Y because of LSD, alternatively this could be due to cliff erosion - just different viewpoints and ideas gets marks too.
Reply 11
Original post by emilyalicerooney
I tried to go extra on all my sections so I didn’t miss anything but what I’d say is with your limited time I would aim for trying super hard on methodology and data analysis as they are the key sections as that is where the most marks are. So I did 20 slides for each but that is because I added and analysed lots of pictures and drew a load of graphs. You don’t need to do that at all. I’d say for each data analysis really analyse each example - if you do 6 interpretations then that’s 6 paragraphs. Whereas evaluation i did a bit less - I organised strengths and weaknesses into a table so it looked organised. I did repeat a fair bit but it’s all about how you word it - in the evaluation it was more focused on what was good/bad about what I did whereas in the methodology I spoke about why I did it. If you’re worried about repeating then try to add different interpretations such as pebbles moved from X to Y because of LSD, alternatively this could be due to cliff erosion - just different viewpoints and ideas gets marks too.

Hey, how many words was your NEA? I tried to fulfil everything on a booklet/mark scheme guide my teacher gave me and ended up with 13k words, around 12k when excluding the Reference List. I've heard people say that you won't get marked down for an extended NEA as long as the stuff is relevant. Is this true? I've already handed it in but I know it hasn't been marked yet, and I could hand in an edited copy in the next couple of days. What do you think? I'm starting to get a bit worried
Original post by Jojeft
Hey, how many words was your NEA? I tried to fulfil everything on a booklet/mark scheme guide my teacher gave me and ended up with 13k words, around 12k when excluding the Reference List. I've heard people say that you won't get marked down for an extended NEA as long as the stuff is relevant. Is this true? I've already handed it in but I know it hasn't been marked yet, and I could hand in an edited copy in the next couple of days. What do you think? I'm starting to get a bit worried

Hey - how did you do in the end? Also worried re NEA being around 12,000
Original post by ricecake11
i am really struggling with my nea it is up to 3,000 word count at the moment however i am thinking of scrapping it and starting anew. the internal deadline set by my teacher is this week, is it possible to finish it withhin 2-3 days and recieve a decent mark and has anyone done this before. my school has provided zero support or guidance and the field trip was extremely useless as we were not prepped or told anything about our nea prior to it. i am conflicted on how to go about it as the teachers have described all the neas of other classmates as extremely poor and not hitting the mark scheme at all however these people have spent much longer and put in alot of detail. i do not want to rush it but im not sure if my school will prevent me from submitting it altogether if it is late.

I haven't even finished my analysis, nevermind reached the evaluation and conclusion yet. i am at 10000 words. i calculated earlier that my editing time on all my Microsoft word documents for my nea was 21000 minutes- 200 hours- 8.5 days. and It is due tomorrow as i write this at 10 mins to midnight. i doubt i will get over half marks despite being an A grade student at the start of the year. this info is seriously depressing and i apologise that I'm lecturing u guys with it. but seriously, this isn't fair, i am running on 3 hours sleep bc of it, I've missed school, i didn't get a holiday. its a nightmare- and only for 20%, which even then can still prevent me from getting the final grades i need to go where i really want to go post a levels.

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