I have a question for people living in mixed-gender or female accommodation where you have shared bathroom facilities.
Basically, I want to know if you have bins (and/or a removal service for the contents) provided in your bathrooms at your residences. If you don’t mind saying whether you do/don’t and what Uni you are at I would really appreciate it.
We’re basically having an ongoing dispute with the residence group/management of our halls (so far consisting of a complaint from us and a curt brush-off from them) with regards to the fact that as of this year they are no longer providing any sanitary facilities in the communal bathrooms in their residences. Given that the halls consist of large, mixed flats (in mine, seven out of nine are female), this has proven extremely irritating for obvious reasons.
I’m now just trying to establish whether we are being unreasonable in expecting them to be provided or not. The friends I have asked at other universities have said that they have them in their flats, but I’m want to get a broader view so that I can either give up, or feel justified in pursuing this further.
I’d appreciate any responses.