The Student Room Group

Living in halls? Please read and respond.


Do the communal toilets in your halls of residence have:

I have a question for people living in mixed-gender or female accommodation where you have shared bathroom facilities.

Basically, I want to know if you have bins (and/or a removal service for the contents) provided in your bathrooms at your residences. If you don’t mind saying whether you do/don’t and what Uni you are at I would really appreciate it.

We’re basically having an ongoing dispute with the residence group/management of our halls (so far consisting of a complaint from us and a curt brush-off from them) with regards to the fact that as of this year they are no longer providing any sanitary facilities in the communal bathrooms in their residences. Given that the halls consist of large, mixed flats (in mine, seven out of nine are female), this has proven extremely irritating for obvious reasons.

I’m now just trying to establish whether we are being unreasonable in expecting them to be provided or not. The friends I have asked at other universities have said that they have them in their flats, but I’m want to get a broader view so that I can either give up, or feel justified in pursuing this further.

I’d appreciate any responses.

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Reply 1
I'm at the University of Kent, Canterbury.
I have en-suite, so perhaps my experience isn't quite what you're looking for, but I'm sure it applies in the communal bathrooms as well.
We have those sanitary bin things in our rooms, and they're collected one thursday every month. We thought that was bad, but no sanitary fascilities?! You definately have a reason to think your uni's unreasonable, I say keep going with what you're doing :yep:
Reply 2
When I was in halls (shared bathrooms, single-sex flats, University of Aberdeen) we just had normal bins that were collected once a fortnight. We put sanitary pads, etc in those - didn't have anywhere else to put them. As long as they were wrapped up in plastic/toilet paper and put in the bin, the cleaner was happy to take them :smile:
On my foor there are 12 boys and 8 girls (was originally an even split but people left etc but whatevs) and we've got 2 boys toilets and 2 girls toilets. The girl's toilets each have a sanitary bin. 1 or possibly 2 showers (out of 4) have a normal bin.
Reply 4
When I had an en-suite room we didn't have the bin, but we were provided with bags to dispose of everything in. Now I'm in a flat on campus with 3 other people and we aren't given anything, although it is a bit different because our flat is basically treated as a privately owned flat rather than halls (e.g we have no cleaner). I'm at Keele University.
We don't have anything in our shared single-sex accommodation. Someone brought a bin up with them and had one provided too, so we've put that in one of our two bathrooms. We have to empty it ourselves too (it's really not that hard!)...
Reply 6
Well, when we moved in, the bins in the two girls cubicals were both already overfilled, which we thought was a bit odd but we assumed it would get sorted...five weeks later, still the same, absolutely disgusting. But we went down and spoke to security about it and they must have done something cos a few days later both bins were emptied.

This is at Hampstead, King's College London.
how much is the accomm at Hampstead? Does it vary on the size of the room aswell?
Reply 8
Yes, we have them in all the girl's bathrooms throughout the hall. Emptied very regularly, they never get full. University of London Hall.
We have them in all our Furness standard accommodation (Lancaster university).

Only seen them emptied once so far though in five weeks (it isn't an issue in my flat but I guess it might be in others).

Reply 10
I'm at DMU and in a private hall of residence with ensuite. We get nothing XD

I have to use my own little waste bin and make sure I empty it each day when I'm on.

I've briefly seen the loos at the University-owned accommodation (without ensuite) amd I can honestly say I don't recall seeing sanitary bins there either :s-smilie:
I'm in the towers at Aston University, and we don't have bins provided in our bathrooms (shared between 7, mixed-gender). In fact, we dont really have anything in our bathroom apart from a bath and large empty floorspace for drying off in. To be honest though, as every student has a bin in their room, and theres one in the kitchen collected daily, I don't feel we need a bathroom bin.
In the kitchen?? You're a boy, you don't understand the need for bathroom bins :p:

I'm at Cambridge, And everywhere I've been has had a sanitary bin in every cubicle - even if its very small and there isn't actually room for it!
Reply 13
At my uni (well in my college at my uni, the accommodation was split between the four colleges and separately managed) all of the bedrooms were en-suite and you could ask for a sanitary disposal bin. I seem to remember being given a form at the start of the year? I think it was collected once a month by a contractor (helluva job, that one ...) Most of the girls had one.
Aston - We have two for the bathroom.

Edit: Add a poll?
Sunderland we dont have them in single sex flat or mixed sex flats
I'm at Aston, in an all girls flat and we have one.
Reply 17
Aston - We have two for the bathroom.

Edit: Add a poll?

A cunning plan. Done.

Thanks for all the responses everyone.
Reply 18
I'm in an en-suite, so it's a bit different. I don't have one of the actual grey bin things, but I do have a bathroom bin as well as a normal bin in my room. I'm at Brunel.
Reply 19
university of manchester, no bins