The Student Room Group

Sciences Po PhD Application- word count

Hi everyone,
In case of any Sciences Po PhD applicants/students or anyone who maybe in a position to provide any answers- a query as regards Science Po’s PhD proposals word limit. Though the website provides for a word count of upto 5000 words for law, however the online application only has add file/upload tabs for ‘Doctoral thesis topic' and 'Doctoral thesis abstract' . There is no other upload tab as regards research thesis/proposal. On the face of it it seems strange that I would be required to upload 5000 word research proposal/thesis project on either of Doctoral thesis topic' and 'Doctoral thesis abstract'. I am assuming that the thesis abstract upload tab would be for the two page synopsis as mentioned on the website (under required documents)
Would be of great help if anyone may have any answer for this.
Reply 1
Original post by tiwarisaurabh1
Hi everyone,
In case of any Sciences Po PhD applicants/students or anyone who maybe in a position to provide any answers- a query as regards Science Po’s PhD proposals word limit. Though the website provides for a word count of upto 5000 words for law, however the online application only has add file/upload tabs for ‘Doctoral thesis topic' and 'Doctoral thesis abstract' . There is no other upload tab as regards research thesis/proposal. On the face of it it seems strange that I would be required to upload 5000 word research proposal/thesis project on either of Doctoral thesis topic' and 'Doctoral thesis abstract'. I am assuming that the thesis abstract upload tab would be for the two page synopsis as mentioned on the website (under required documents)
Would be of great help if anyone may have any answer for this.
Hi, Thank you for positing your question, because I am having exactly the same question, did you figure it out eventually?

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