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psychology at Loughborough

I am thinking of firming Loughborough, but the modules are so different from my other uni choices. My other uni choices modules focus more on specific areas in psychology whereas I feel that lbro goes straight into it without introduction. (if you get what I mean). also, the optional choices are okay, but not really "interesting"? I was just wondering what people’s opinions are on the course and if they like the modules or not.
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous #1
I am thinking of firming Loughborough, but the modules are so different from my other uni choices. My other uni choices modules focus more on specific areas in psychology whereas I feel that lbro goes straight into it without introduction. (if you get what I mean). also, the optional choices are okay, but not really "interesting"? I was just wondering what people’s opinions are on the course and if they like the modules or not.
Hi, Im in the same position as you right now. lboro ranks really high for psychology but the modules don't look too interesting to me. I have an offer holders soon so I'll get more insight but I'd like to know what you ended up doing.
Original post by Anonymous #1
I am thinking of firming Loughborough, but the modules are so different from my other uni choices. My other uni choices modules focus more on specific areas in psychology whereas I feel that lbro goes straight into it without introduction. (if you get what I mean). also, the optional choices are okay, but not really "interesting"? I was just wondering what people’s opinions are on the course and if they like the modules or not.
Hi there,

Great to hear you are considering Loughborough!

I do Psychology at Loughborough so can give you some insight. The rankings for Psychology at Loughborough are high. I personally really enjoy the course here as you have the opportunity to learn many aspects of Psychology through many different modules. I believe the modules have been interesting and in first year gave me a base knowledge that I needed. For example, in first year you have a module on 'Learning to be a Psychologist' which for me was a great introduction into Psychology and gave me a lot of base knowledge to help me through the course.

I have also enjoyed my optional modules as I have had the opportunity to learn knowledge in sport and educational psychology which I have really enjoyed and this has helped me decide where I want to take my degree.

I hope this helps. If you have any other questions please do ask 🙂

Reply 3
Original post by Loughborough Student Community
Hi there,
Great to hear you are considering Loughborough!
I do Psychology at Loughborough so can give you some insight. The rankings for Psychology at Loughborough are high. I personally really enjoy the course here as you have the opportunity to learn many aspects of Psychology through many different modules. I believe the modules have been interesting and in first year gave me a base knowledge that I needed. For example, in first year you have a module on 'Learning to be a Psychologist' which for me was a great introduction into Psychology and gave me a lot of base knowledge to help me through the course.
I have also enjoyed my optional modules as I have had the opportunity to learn knowledge in sport and educational psychology which I have really enjoyed and this has helped me decide where I want to take my degree.
I hope this helps. If you have any other questions please do ask 🙂
Hi Alex I have a few questions if you don’t mind me jumping in..
do you think the first year would be a bit repetitive for someone who’s just done a level psych or do they expand much?
how large are the optional modules- do you get to tailor what you learn or is it just a few extra lectures?
how do you find the lecturers- are there experts on some of the subjects/ are they interesting?
thanks so much :smile:
Original post by Anonymous #2
Hi Alex I have a few questions if you don’t mind me jumping in..
do you think the first year would be a bit repetitive for someone who’s just done a level psych or do they expand much?
how large are the optional modules- do you get to tailor what you learn or is it just a few extra lectures?
how do you find the lecturers- are there experts on some of the subjects/ are they interesting?
thanks so much :smile:

Hi there,

No problem I am happy to help 🙂

So, I found the first term in first year really helpful to give the base knowledge. 'Learning to be a Psychologist' was really helpful. This was not just Psychology related this helped with really important aspects such as how to reference APA 7th edition, how to write academically (which I found very helpful as this felt very different to how I had worked in sixth form) and even how to structure you independent study and reading- again this is very different to school and sixth form as you have a lot more independent study time which you need to organise yourself. I wouldn't say it is repetitive for someone who has done A level Psychology. There are going to be aspects that you already know but there a lot of developments and lecturers go into a lot more detail. You also get further reading for every lecture you have. Here, this really expands and develops pre-existing knowledge you may have and I found this really interesting (there is a lot of it!)

The optional modules give you the opportunity to tailor the course to what you want. I mean once you have chosen a module you will have set content which needs to be covered. There will be options for you to chose elements of what you learn. For example, last year I chose to do 'Supporting Learners with additional needs'. I found this really interesting as you learn a about lots of different educational difficulties through the lectures and go into further details in seminars, but I got the option to chose one to focus my coursework project on- so was able to chose an area that interested me and learn more details.

I have found the lecturers to be interesting and engaging and lots are experts in the field they are teaching.

I hope that helps give some insight. Please ask if you have any other questions.


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