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Haha a Chav Party! Do you not feel your Union is simply mocking the chosen lifestyle of Chavs? I don't think social class has anything to do with being able to gain entry to Uni.
Get over it, this is well funny :smile:
Reply 3
Yeah it is pretty damn offensive.
Reply 4
I know plenty of people who I would identify as chavs (i.e. the clothing, the idiocy, the crap music and the antisocialness) who come from middle class families, and also the majority of people I know from lower class families aren't chavs.
Reply 5
Chavs are not restricted to a class, you can get rich chavs. The flyers don't say 'pretend you're poor' it says about dressing as chavvy stereotypes.
I know plenty of people who I would identify as chavs (i.e. the clothing, the idiocy, the crap music and the antisocialness) who come from middle class families, and also the majority of people I know from lower class families aren't chavs.

yeah me too.

I think in most areas of britain, you choose to be a chav.
Reply 7
I think in most areas of britain, you choose to be a chav.


Although I won't deny that there is a correlation between having poor parents and being a chav.

Although I won't deny that there is a correlation between having poor parents and being a chav.

I'd say the correlation would be more obvious between having uneducated parents and being a chav.

Although I won't deny that there is a correlation between having poor parents and being a chav.

Meet Monty.
Monty comes from a very rough area of Crawley, West Sussex.
He did not choose the way of the Chav.
Respect him

Reply 10
I've a poor mum and am very much not a chav; currently in my second year at university. I don't find it offensive.
Reply 11
I don't like the idea - but as long as you are being 'ironic' it is Ok Leeds union guess :rolleyes:
Adam G Manning
Meet Monty.
Monty comes from a very rough area of Crawley, West Sussex.
He did not choose the way of the Chav.
Respect him

monty is wearing a bloody awful suit
Adam G Manning
Meet Monty.
Monty comes from a very rough area of Crawley, West Sussex.
He did not choose the way of the Chav.
Respect him

Nowhere in Sussex is rough.
monty is wearing a bloody awful suit

You are wrong, sir.
He'd be wearing a bloody awful tracksuit.
But he is wearing a very nice suit.
A Stranger in Moscow
Nowhere in Sussex is rough.

To be honest, Crawley's not the ideal place to be wandering around dressed like that.

I take my hat off to his bravery.
Reply 16
Am I the only person who finds the Union's 'Chav Party' night offensive? Middle class students mocking people whose parents and children will probably never get close to a university. Are we all Chelsy Davy now?

Since when are all students middle class anyway?
The word chav doesn't really mean 'council house and violence' anymore, it's more a term for some peoples choice of clothing, music, lifestyle ect. (although arguably a lot of stereotypical 'chavs' do come from a working class background). I don't really see it as that offensive, as it isn't that different than having an 'emo' or 'indie' party.
Adam G Manning
You are wrong, sir.
We'd be wearing a bloody awful tracksuit.
But he is wearing a very nice suit.

pretty sure you shouldn't be allowed pinstripe that thick unless you are genuinely a 1930s chicago gangster, sorry. it goes against the rules of sartorial taste.

also black shirt and dark tie? come on.
pretty sure you shouldn't be allowed pinstripe that thick unless you are genuinely a 1930s chicago gangster, sorry. it goes against the rules of sartorial taste.

also black shirt and dark tie? come on.

I'll give the the later, yet I'm dubious about the former statement.

But thank you, M&S.