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OCR GCSE Latin Verse literature B J282/05 - 15 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat]

OCR GCSE Latin Verse literature B J282/05 - 15 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat]

Here is the exam discussion for this exam. Talk anything from how to revise for it, specific questions or time management :ahee:

Date/Time: Wednesday 15th June PM
Length: 1h

Advanced Information

:goodluck: with revision and exams :work:

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Hi, I've got virgil latin literature coming up, and I just don't know what to revise. I've learnt the set texts, and pretty much all the literal devices, but I just don't know what type of questions would come up.
Original post by imco77003
Hi, I've got virgil latin literature coming up, and I just don't know what to revise. I've learnt the set texts, and pretty much all the literal devices, but I just don't know what type of questions would come up.

focus on the advanced information lines, and consider what the main themes/characters are - this is likely what will be asked in questions e.g. how does Virgil make this extract tragic? or how does Virgil present the theme of futility in this extract? or how does Virgil present Aeneas in this extract? - these are often 8 markers, and involve analysing the Latin. There are a few short mark questions as well as latin to english translations - this is where you need to know the parts of latin that match up with the english. There is a 10 mark commentary question that involves no latin, only a broad overview and a great way to show what you know! good luck and lmk if you have any other questions!
Original post by stress17
focus on the advanced information lines, and consider what the main themes/characters are - this is likely what will be asked in questions e.g. how does Virgil make this extract tragic? or how does Virgil present the theme of futility in this extract? or how does Virgil present Aeneas in this extract? - these are often 8 markers, and involve analysing the Latin. There are a few short mark questions as well as latin to english translations - this is where you need to know the parts of latin that match up with the english. There is a 10 mark commentary question that involves no latin, only a broad overview and a great way to show what you know! good luck and lmk if you have any other questions!

That's so helpful! Thanks so much!
Does anyone do the other verse lit option with ovid, virgil & catullus or is that just me? :s-smilie:
what on earth was that 10 marker
Reply 6
Original post by quartzite_
what on earth was that 10 marker

Do you do prose lit a? or b? I do a and i didn't mind the 10 marker but despised the 8 marker
Reply 7
Original post by quartzite_
what on earth was that 10 marker

The 10 marker was an absolute waffle party
Original post by room student the
Does anyone do the other verse lit option with ovid, virgil & catullus or is that just me? :s-smilie:

i do!!!
how did you find it?
Original post by BIBROJAM
The 10 marker was an absolute waffle party

"human interest" what are you on about ocr
Original post by quartzite_
"human interest" what are you on about ocr

Ikr! I had no idea what to write it about
Original post by imco77003
Ikr! I had no idea what to write it about

what did you end up writing? i can't rly remember the question now but i talked about the general plot and how that's engaging, particular scenes of tragedy like Priam's death, violence and tension and then my counter was waffle because i talked bout Priam and Hecuba at the altar and how that is not dramatic it is a slower more tender moment
Original post by stress17
what did you end up writing? i can't rly remember the question now but i talked about the general plot and how that's engaging, particular scenes of tragedy like Priam's death, violence and tension and then my counter was waffle because i talked bout Priam and Hecuba at the altar and how that is not dramatic it is a slower more tender moment

I wrote about the selfishness of the characters. Because that's what I thought they were talking about, when they said full of human interest, but I just waffled sooooo much, because I actually had no idea what they were on about. Your answer actually seems right though.
Original post by imco77003
I wrote about the selfishness of the characters. Because that's what I thought they were talking about, when they said full of human interest, but I just waffled sooooo much, because I actually had no idea what they were on about. Your answer actually seems right though.

they really threw a ton of people off with the human interest bit from what i've heard, so you're not alone - and I'm sure you've done great anyway!!
Original post by imco77003
I wrote about the selfishness of the characters. Because that's what I thought they were talking about, when they said full of human interest, but I just waffled sooooo much, because I actually had no idea what they were on about. Your answer actually seems right though.

yess same i think we'll be fine bcs from what i understand now "human interest" is actually super vague so if you waffle hard enough and justify your point you can get away with almost anything
Hi, I've got OCR GCSE Latin Verse Literature B this year. I'm only doing Virgil Aeneid Book 6. Do I have to memorise the whole text to answer the translation questions and others or just know the basic meaning? I haven't done many mocks at all this year for this paper so I'm not really sure.
Original post by RL1234234
Hi, I've got OCR GCSE Latin Verse Literature B this year. I'm only doing Virgil Aeneid Book 6. Do I have to memorise the whole text to answer the translation questions and others or just know the basic meaning? I haven't done many mocks at all this year for this paper so I'm not really sure.

I would say learn the whole translation, it's not too much. Not only will it help you with the translation but it also helps with essays and understanding the text as a whole. If you try to memorise the story, as well as a few literary techniques along the way, you should be fine.
Great thanks 👍
So should I memorise the actual Latin as well as the translations or just the translations themselves?
Original post by RL1234234
So should I memorise the actual Latin as well as the translations or just the translations themselves?

I'd say make sure you know the translation based off the Latin. It's obviously quite complex text, but if you understand why it translates to what it does from the Latin, you'll have a better understanding of the whole text. So rather than just memorising the English as a story, make sure you know which Latin words relate to different parts of the sentence. You definitely don't need to memorise the Latin, but being able to recognise it is good

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