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Is Up Learn Worth it?

I'm currently in Year 12 and am sitting my Alevel exams next year. I keep seeing an advert for UPlearn on youtube and about when I'm going on revision websites etc and wanted to know from those who use it, is it worth it? from the research I've done, it looks really good and has positive reviews, but seems to be very expensive and wasn't sure whether I should get it if its just a waste of money.
Any opinions are helpful and thank you in advance :smile:
Reply 1
i use it for maths and it’s good but goes from the very basics - helpful but not good when you want some quick revision. it’s something that needs to be done when you have lots of time. also, for certain subjects like psych it’s hard because evaluation points and studies that you learnt vary in uplearn compared to what you might do in lessons. in my personal opinion i don’t think i would get it again knowing what i do about it right now. what subjects are you looking for
Original post by rhea984
i use it for maths and it’s good but goes from the very basics - helpful but not good when you want some quick revision. it’s something that needs to be done when you have lots of time. also, for certain subjects like psych it’s hard because evaluation points and studies that you learnt vary in uplearn compared to what you might do in lessons. in my personal opinion i don’t think i would get it again knowing what i do about it right now. what subjects are you looking for

Hi, sorry I should have mentioned it above: I'm looking for Biology and psychology. Especially biology as that's what I'm doing worse in at the moment :smile:
Reply 3
so for psyxhology i don’t think i would recommend it just because they are bound to use different evaluation point and studies that may confuse you. consider purchasing the psychologee study pack on etsy. it has summary sheets, entire textbook notes and active recall sheets for the entire spec for under £30 and they are so pretty !!! i use those
and for biology, i honestly think a privat e tutor would be better and more reasonable in terms of session flexibility and one on one help. uplearn can be very generic at times. if you want help finding a tutor do let me know, my cousin owns a tutoring company and i can get you in contact with someone asap :smile:
Reply 4
maybe just do a couple tutoring sessions until the end of december or so, and then if you feel confident enough, move to uplearn?
a tutor is also more helpful when you need a good explanation and since uplearn can be very generic and you mentioned bio is not as good as psych is for you, a tutor may be more beneficial??
97% of UpLearn students got either an A* or A grade in their exam!!! :biggrin: So it must be worth it!!! :wink:
Reply 6
don’t get me wrong, it is good. but it is incredibly time consuming. it’s starts from compete basics which is good however when you need wuick revsiion it doesn’t work well. if you are a student that from the start of year twelve will spend time on it until the final exams go for it, but if you have issues with time management i would recommend it. for the price and for the layout personally i’m not sure.
Original post by rhea984
so for psyxhology i don’t think i would recommend it just because they are bound to use different evaluation point and studies that may confuse you. consider purchasing the psychologee study pack on etsy. it has summary sheets, entire textbook notes and active recall sheets for the entire spec for under £30 and they are so pretty !!! i use those
and for biology, i honestly think a privat e tutor would be better and more reasonable in terms of session flexibility and one on one help. uplearn can be very generic at times. if you want help finding a tutor do let me know, my cousin owns a tutoring company and i can get you in contact with someone asap :smile:

thank you so much for your help! I might consider getting a tutor for biology if I don't do well in the tests I have this week and will let you know :smile::smile:

Original post by thegeek888
97% of UpLearn students got either an A* or A grade in their exqm!!! :biggrin: So it must be worth it!!! :wink:

hahaha, that's what I read:biggrin:! but a lot of money to get that A* (nearly £300 for a subscription till I sit mine in 2023!)
Reply 9
Original post by CoconutCulet
thank you so much for your help! I might consider getting a tutor for biology if I don't do well in the tests I have this week and will let you know :smile::smile:

No worries, let me know and you can always private message me and I can send you over their details ! Good luck for your tests
Reply 10
Original post by CoconutCulet

hahaha, that's what I read:biggrin:! but a lot of money to get that A* (nearly £300 for a subscription till I sit mine in 2023!)

Thats the issue I faced with UPlearn too, just cant justify spending that much, as some topics you won't need any help with, and some you will need extra help on. Rather have one-to-one sessions with someone and focus on exactly what you need
Original post by CoconutCulet

hahaha, that's what I read:biggrin:! but a lot of money to get that A* (nearly £300 for a subscription till I sit mine in 2023!)

But it works out much cheaper than paying £4,000 for an intensive one year course at a private retake college or more so a full-time course which can be in the range of £6,000 to £10,000 per A-Level in London. :wink: So a £300 fee for an A* or A is very value for money. :biggrin:
Reply 12
it works out much cheaper for sure, however, UpLearn is one of those funny things that you dont fully understand until you purchase a subscription and use it yourself. I recommend getting the trail for a few days and see how you get on. in my personal experience, I probably would be much better off cancelling it and getting a tutor however there isn't an option where you can do that!
Original post by thegeek888
But it works out much cheaper than paying £4,000 for an intensive one year course at a private retake college or more so a full-time course which can be in the range of £6,000 to £10,000 per A-Level in London. :wink: So a £300 fee for an A* or A is very value for money. :biggrin:

as someone who paid about £1400 on maths tutoring a year at gcse uplearn is massivly worth it as honestly it is a great way to save money if you were planning on getting a tutor or if it looks like you might fail (with the price of resits)

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