[q1]> Not confined to FE. though! I'm on a 0.2 in a secondary school, and previous replies have been[/q1]
[q1]> correct in stating that this amounts to one[/q1]
[q1]> However, in order to have a sensible timetable, this has to be spread over three days: if I did it[/q1]
[q1]> all on one day, my students would have all their English lessons on one day, and they wouldn't[/q1]
[q1]> like that any more than I would![/q1]
You poor thing!!! I do two days, Wed and Thurs. It's a hospital school, so wards are KS1 -4 and the
school itself is KS3 and 4. We also do home tuition for KS1-4 in the authority. I was consulted
prior to timetabling and was offered two consecutive days. I occasionally get called in to cover and
this is paid at supply rates. I must be lucky!! nan