The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Gil Cleeton <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
[q1]> Hello please can you tell me If a post in UK is offered part-time 0.2 = 2 days a week -[/q1]
[q1]> 1. Is the salary also paid in holidays?[/q1]
[q1]> 2. Is the salary based on a fraction of the basic bottom scale?[/q1]
[q1]> 3. If so what is that figure?[/q1]
[q1]> 3. Is it enhanced for past teaching experience, qualifications etc?[/q1]

I would assume 0.2 = 1 day a week (ie one fifth). Maybe others can confirm or otherwise.


(remove barrier to reply)
Reply 2
Gil Cleeton wrote in message ...
[q1]>Hello please can you tell me If a post in UK is offered part-time 0.2 = 2 days a week -[/q1]
[q1]>1. Is the salary also paid in holidays?[/q1]
[q1]>2. Is the salary based on a fraction of the basic bottom scale?[/q1]
[q1]>3. If so what is that figure?[/q1]
[q1]>3. Is it enhanced for past teaching experience, qualifications etc?[/q1]

1. If it is for the whole academic year, yes.
1a. Yes - but it depends on what point you were on before plus any discretionary allowance.

BTW, 0.2 should be equal to 1 day per week or possibly 1 morning and 1 afternoon per week


2 & 3a. 20% equivalent annual salary


Reply 3
Hi Gil

.2 is one day a week... Salary is paid over the year...i.e.includes holidays It should be paid
at the scale you are at... I'm top of scale and paid at that for the 0.4 contract I have (2
days a week)

Reply 4
In article <[email protected]>, benmax <[email protected]> writes
[q1]>Hi Gil[/q1]
[q1]>.2 is one day a week... Salary is paid over the year...i.e.includes holidays It should be paid[/q1]
[q1]>at the scale you are at... I'm top of scale and paid at that for the 0.4 contract I have (2[/q1]
[q1]>days a week)[/q1]

In FE colleges a 0.4 contract was often spread thinly over 3 or even 4 days! One close friend of
mine on a 0.8 contract was "required to attend" on 5 days plus an evening!

Just one of the reasons why so many staff have left the sector.

Martin Nicholson, Daventry, UK

International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Centre - Observatory Code 456

Does anybody really believe that Princess Diana was buried on that island?
Reply 5
In article <[email protected]>, StJohn
<[email protected]> wrote:
[q1]> .2 should be equal to 1 day per week or possibly 1 morning and 1 afternoon per week[/q1]

But do not accept two mornings without financial adjustment, because mornings hours tend to be
longer than afternoon hours.


Award-winning bog cleaner, agony aunt and now Latin scholar. Veni, vidi, Vim (I came, I saw,
I cleaned)
Reply 6
[q1]> In FE colleges a 0.4 contract was often spread thinly over 3 or even 4 days! One close friend of[/q1]
[q1]> mine on a 0.8 contract was "required to attend" on 5 days plus an evening![/q1]
[q1]> Just one of the reasons why so many staff have left the sector.[/q1]

Not confined to FE. though! I'm on a 0.2 in a secondary school, and previous replies have been
correct in stating that this amounts to one day. However, in order to have a sensible timetable,
this has to be spread over three days: if I did it all on one day, my students would have all their
English lessons on one day, and they wouldn't like that any more than I would! As a part-timer, I
think this problem tends to get worse as your hours increase; it can be made a lot worse if your
school/college don't take part-timers' needs into account when timetabling. Norma Palmer
Reply 7
gertie@grumbles wrote in message <[email protected]>...
[q1]>In article <[email protected]>, StJohn[/q1]
[q1]><[email protected]> wrote:[/q1]
[q2]>> .2 should be equal to 1 day per week or possibly 1 morning and 1 afternoon per week[/q2]
[q1]>But do not accept two mornings without financial adjustment, because mornings hours tend to be[/q1]
[q1]>longer than afternoon hours.[/q1]

Eggs Act, Leigh.

HM tried that on one of my part-timers two years ago. "Can't we get him in on as many days as
possible, then he's more likely to stay for after school clubs..." he suggested. "No!" we replied
"Not fair."

Reply 8
"Norma Palmer" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
[q2]> > In FE colleges a 0.4 contract was often spread thinly over 3 or even 4 days! One close friend of[/q2]
[q2]> > mine on a 0.8 contract was "required to attend" on 5 days plus an evening![/q2]
[q2]> >[/q2]
[q2]> > Just one of the reasons why so many staff have left the sector.[/q2]
[q1]> Not confined to FE. though! I'm on a 0.2 in a secondary school, and previous replies have been[/q1]
[q1]> correct in stating that this amounts to one[/q1]
[q1]> However, in order to have a sensible timetable, this has to be spread over three days: if I did it[/q1]
[q1]> all on one day, my students would have all their English lessons on one day, and they wouldn't[/q1]
[q1]> like that any more than I would! As a part-timer, I think this problem tends to get worse as your[/q1]
[q1]> hours increase; it can be made a lot worse if your school/college don't[/q1]
[q1]> part-timers' needs into account when timetabling. Norma Palmer[/q1]

2 of the 0.48 teachers in our department this year only had 1 whole day off over a 2 week timetable,
so its not just days. Although I guess it easier to do 'days' in primary rather than secondary.

Reply 9
[q1]> Not confined to FE. though! I'm on a 0.2 in a secondary school, and previous replies have been[/q1]
[q1]> correct in stating that this amounts to one[/q1]
[q1]> However, in order to have a sensible timetable, this has to be spread over three days: if I did it[/q1]
[q1]> all on one day, my students would have all their English lessons on one day, and they wouldn't[/q1]
[q1]> like that any more than I would![/q1]

You poor thing!!! I do two days, Wed and Thurs. It's a hospital school, so wards are KS1 -4 and the
school itself is KS3 and 4. We also do home tuition for KS1-4 in the authority. I was consulted
prior to timetabling and was offered two consecutive days. I occasionally get called in to cover and
this is paid at supply rates. I must be lucky!! nan
Reply 10
In article <[email protected]>, Gil Cleeton
<[email protected]> writes
[q1]>Thank you for your helpful advice about contracts. I am returning to a 0.2 one day part-time post.[/q1]
[q1]>Should the '0.2' be a fifth of -[/q1]
[q1]>1. My last annual salary (in 1985!) ?[/q1]
[q1]>2. My last annual salary index-linked to be my present salary of reference with Teacher Pensions?[/q1]
[q1]> (This has doubled the above figure !)[/q1]
[q1]>3. The bottom end of the present basic scale?[/q1]
[q1]>4. The point on the scale referencing my allowances, experience and qualifications? (I was a Deputy[/q1]
[q1]> Group 11 in 1985)[/q1]
Quite possibly none of the above - I assume 1 and 2 were not to be taken seriously <grin>

Martin Nicholson, Daventry, UK

International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Centre - Observatory Code 456

Does anybody really believe that Princess Diana was buried on that island?
Reply 11
Thank you for your helpful advice about contracts. I am returning to a 0.2 one day part-time post.
Should the '0.2' be a fifth of -
1. My last annual salary (in 1985!) ?
2. My last annual salary index-linked to be my present salary of reference with Teacher Pensions?
(This has doubled the above figure !)
3. The bottom end of the present basic scale?
4. The point on the scale referencing my allowances, experience and qualifications? (I was a Deputy
Group 11 in 1985)
Reply 12
In article <[email protected]>, Gil Cleeton
<[email protected]> wrote:
[q1]> Should the '0.2' be a fifth of -[/q1]


Your union should be able to advise you on this and to help if there is any problem.


Award-winning bog cleaner, agony aunt and now Latin scholar. Veni, vidi, Vim (I came, I saw,
I cleaned)