Hi there,
Im really stuck for uni choices at the moment. My predicted are ABB and I think I’ll probably get that or maybe AAB. I’ve firmed Brunel uni london with my backup being Greenwich however I really don’t want to go to these.
When I applied I was so focused on going to london and my dad also being educated in london ment he placed his bias on me. Since applying I don’t want to go to these and want to go somewhere else instead. My GCSEs I didn’t do the best in: 5 in maths, 6 in English, 7-6 In science. I currently do a levels in Business,Media & photography.
I’ve looked around at unis for business management or business management with marketing and I’m still stuck for options. Most london ones are out of the question. My dream would be to go to leeds uni but since is so highly ranked the places have all been filled and usually they never go into clearing. Aparently typically applicants who apply for the course are predicted AAA (which is what they need for the course). due to personal circumstances and being from a low development area offers typically drop down by 1 or two for me. So I could get into a AAA uni with AAB or ABB.
Leeds would be my ideal but then I’m also looking at places like reading, Leicester,liverpool and Aston. If anyone could recommend me others too it would be amazing.
Reading seems to be a reputable uni with good business rankings but I really need the social side, diversity. Going out, clubbing E.c is a big thing for me as I haven’t been allowed to experience that (strict parents). But also the stuff to do in the area like shopping, bars e.c. Which is where I fear reading falls out on.
I’ve never been up north before only as far as london. But Leicester seems like a good uni too. Although it’s ranked lower than reading, I prefer the course modules. In addition to this Leicester is diverse I hear and it’s also quite good socially which I like.
Aston also seems good although nobody seems to know of it so that worries me about it’s reputation. Also the fact it’s very small does worry me as I want the faculties E.c. That being said it’s business school is apparently good. And being located in Birmingham city centre i definitely can have a good time.
As for liverpool is a RG uni which gives me the security of reputation. It’s ranked lower in terms of the course however. And I still prefer Leicesters modules over it. I know liverpool is a city and I believe nightlife and stuff to do will definitely be good. However being a RG i don’t know if I can get in this year due to popularity.
Overall I’m just really stuck because I don’t know where to go. My minds been playing on it ever since Feb (after the deadline of 26th jan for applications). I really want to go to uni this year but I don’t really want to go to the ones I’ve applied for. I just want to go to the best one I can and to ensure I’ll enjoy myself.
Taking a gap year is possible but I really don’t want to. I hate staying at home. I could transfer from first year of uni into second year although I don’t really want to place myself in a uni I never wanted to be in the first place as it just ruins first year experience.
With my first exam starting this month on 25th May this is the worst possible time to be stressing over it. My final exam is 16th June. And I’ve booked reading open day 18th June and leeds for 25th. I don’t know if I’ll be able to make the other open days available as they are either running when I have exams or after results day (when I need to call up via clearing). In addition to this I live super far down south… infact my bedroom window faces the sea (2mins walk from my house to the water). My dad i haven’t spoken to about this and he will definitely disapprove of my choice to try and switch from london unis. I highly doubt he will let me go to the open days too.
Please advise me on what to do. As I’m really stuck and I need some guidance.