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psychology - is it considered a science subject?


I'm a yr11 student about to confirm my a-level choices and i want to go into medicine. Most of the unis i've looked at state they like people to have 1 arts subject rather than all 3 sciences cuz it shows diversity. I'd like to do bio, chem and psychology as my 3 full A levels and maths as my AS but is psychology considered a science subject? If it is then i'll have 4 sciences which isn't good so i'd prob take either French or history instead but i'd really like to do psychology!

Anywayz yeah that was a long and rambling way of saying - are bio, chem, psych and maths good subject choices for places like the London med schools that like an arts subject?
Edinburgh will not consider it - they insist on three real sciences.

Contact each school individually - but better safe than sorry and he chances are that they will still favour those with 'real' sciences which are seen as more challenging. Why not take psychology at AS?
Reply 2
Not exactly an expert, but I was told that things like psychology are usually seen as "soft" sciences, or somewhere in between. So not sure how that helps. But, I do know people who've got offers from med schools like Manchester and Nottingham with chem, bio and psychology at full A Level, so they obviously do accept them :smile:
Reply 3
Psychology is regarded as a social science. Only chem, bio, physics and mathematics will be taken as the two or three mandatory sciences needed for medicine. :smile:
Reply 4
it seems most people here have missed the point & answered the Q they think there is - whether psychology counts as a science subject, hence can be accepted alongside chemistry as 2 compulsory science subjects.. :p:

i interpreted it as can psychology be considered an 'art' subject for the london unis.. :wink:

in which case your best bet is to ask them directly - i should imagine they have more in mind language/humanities etc. & i would agree with others psychology is more a 'social sciences' so it might not strictly be counted.

so if you really want a specific uni that states they prefer arts subjects - maybe check with them? though, TBH, i can't imagine they'd necessarily discriminate against Psych. as it's not a pure science as A level..
& anyway, they only say they prefer arts subjects rather than being compulsory?

Reply 5
I think that it probably would be considered and Art or more to the point it shows that you aren't just doing strait sciences and have more diversity which is why they sometimes like an art.
Reply 7

This person was asking weather they could do it at A-level and get into medicine so it is relevent.
Reply 8
I'd say psych was probably more a social science than hard-core science so id check with uni's you know you really want to go to just to make sure they'd accept it...

however im doing, i did chem, bio, psych and english all to A2 (so only really 2 'science' subjects) and i already have 2 offers... so don't rule psyhology out if you wanna do it!! :wink: best bet would be to check with a couple of uni's! :smile: and good luck!
Reply 9
Edinburgh will not consider it - they insist on three real sciences.

Wrong! Edinburgh only ask for Chem and one other 'science'!

Edinburgh GCE requirements for 5yr med course:

"GCE: 3 A levels plus 1 AS, achieving grades AABb, A level Chemistry plus Mathematics or Physics or Biology. Biology at AS. Only one Mathematics will be considered"
Reply 10
I'd say psych was probably more a social science than hard-core science so id check with uni's you know you really want to go to just to make sure they'd accept it...

however im doing, i did chem, bio, psych and english all to A2 (so only really 2 'science' subjects) and i already have 2 offers... so don't rule psyhology out if you wanna do it!! :wink: best bet would be to check with a couple of uni's! :smile: and good luck!

I'm doing the same, and know loads of people who have had offers for med with those subjects. :smile:

Uni's no longer want people to just have science/maths subjects, and are looking for a more rounded approach to studies. I was strongly recommended by an admissions tutor to take at least one arts/humanities type subject. As long as you have chem and bio, and your other subjects are academicaly rigorous,(which yours are) you'll more than meet the requirements for med :smile:
Reply 11
Thanks very much for all your advice, i think i'm gonna stick with my original subject choices but just to clarify...

I'm not worried about psychology not counting as a science subject as i don't want it too. I wanted an arts/humanities subject to add some diversity to my application and was wondering if psychology would be suitable for this.

But anywayz thanks 4 your help and congrats on the offers Rhi :smile:
Reply 12
I dont see why you should have any problem getting into medicine if u take Chemistry Physics Maths and Biology, plus wouldn't the medicine course be a little bit easier if you're already familiar with the different aspects of science thats used, as opposed to say just chem and bio?