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Aston vs Durham vs Birmingham vs Lancaster

Aston vs Durham vs Birmingham vs Lancaster
I've to decide between these universities and being an international student I'm not able to visit or get hands on experience about these universities. Please help me figure it out.
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 1
If you want the 'city experience' then Aston/Birmingham is for you. If you want a quiet place, then Durham and Lancaster are better.
Reply 2
Original post by gtty123
If you want the 'city experience' then Aston/Birmingham is for you. If you want a quiet place, then Durham and Lancaster are better.

But I've heard that Lancaster and durham holds more prestige and looks better on cv is that true ? Will i be making a mistake leaving durham nd Lancaster for aston ?
Original post by riyamehar
But I've heard that Lancaster and durham holds more prestige and looks better on cv is that true ? Will i be making a mistake leaving durham nd Lancaster for aston ?

Depends on the subject. Lancaster is a great international uni. If ever you want that big city buzz from time to time, its not that much for a train from Lancaster to Manchester. Theres even a direct train to London. Lancaster is a smaller city, but still has all you need when it comes to shopping, cafes, bars, restuarants and night life.
Durham you can reach the big city of Newcastle.
Its not so much the prestige of a uni. If you want that its more Oxbridge. when it comes to the rest it really does depends on the subject as some unis are better than others on that.
(edited 2 years ago)
Lol ha clicked the question without looking where its placed in the forum. Business and management, Lancaster is hugely popular for that subject. Ive seen loads of threads of students on here going for business /management at Lancaster. there used to be a vlogger that did the course but she took her videos down, but from what I seen, she really enjoyed her course. PS type in unibuddy Lancaster in the search on google. you can speak to students who study there.
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 5
Original post by Ghostlady
Lol ha clicked the question without looking where its placed in the forum. Business and management, Lancaster is hugely popular for that subject. Ive seen loads of threads of students on here going for business /management at Lancaster. there used to be a vlogger that did the course but she took her videos down, but from what I seen, she really enjoyed her course. PS type in unibuddy Lancaster in the search on google. you can speak to students who study there.

I'm going for master's in marketing and I'm a lil inclined towards aston but i wanna make sure I'm not leaving something better for it. Durham is getting way to ig it's out of the equation
Reply 6
Original post by riyamehar
But I've heard that Lancaster and durham holds more prestige and looks better on cv is that true ? Will i be making a mistake leaving durham nd Lancaster for aston ?

They do hold more prestige, yes. But if the course isn't right for you, then it matters very little.
Reply 7
Original post by gtty123
They do hold more prestige, yes. But if the course isn't right for you, then it matters very little.

Actually after having a close look at everything I've come down to Birmingham and Lancaster nd they are pretty much offering the same course subject and the faculty is equally good now I'm again to choose the better one...
Reply 8
Original post by riyamehar
Actually after having a close look at everything I've come down to Birmingham and Lancaster nd they are pretty much offering the same course subject and the faculty is equally good now I'm again to choose the better one...

Have you looked at how the areas are?
Birmingham is a bigger city than Lancaster, and its got New street station which is enormous. It branches to all various parts of the uk there.
with Lancaster you can go direct to London, Manchester and Edinburgh.
Reply 10
The University of Birmingham is a lot better than Lancaster University. Birmingham performs better in every international ranking which is more respected throughout the world than local rankings. Durham is faltering as a university. Birmingham has a 2045 vision in which they are investing billions of points on institutional improvement which usually tips the scales when it comes to rankings.

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