The Student Room Group

Primary education gaelic

Hi! I have firmed my offer for the university of Edinburgh for primary education with gaelic (learners) and I’m just looking to see if there are any others on here going to do this course?? Tìoraidh!
deagh fhortan leis a' chùrsa teagaisg agad airson na Gàidhlig

gu mì-fhortanach chan e tidsear a th’ annam ach bean-ghlùine clàraichte ann an Alba

good luck with your teaching course for Gaelic
unfortunately I am not a teacher but a registered midwife in Scotland

Original post by Meg3n19
Hi! I have firmed my offer for the university of Edinburgh for primary education with gaelic (learners) and I’m just looking to see if there are any others on here going to do this course?? Tìoraidh!
Hey! Any update with how you’re getting on? Im planning to do the same but with the UHI. 😊

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