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Failing most of my first year modules

So I’ve looked all over my unis policies and I can’t find anything relating to this and progression to second year… I’m an int student at uob if anyone can assist. I’m pretty sure I’m failing most of my first year modules, in the first sem I failed 3/4 of my modules and now in my second sem and I have just finished submitting the last of my essays and from the grades I’ve gotten so far it seems like I might pass 3/4 of my modules, so in total I’ve failed(or will have failed) 4/8 of my modules, I wanted to know if I will be given an opportunity to resit these and still progress to second year or will I have to retake the whole year? And if I end up retaking the year will I do it alongside my second year or will I have to completely start a fresh? Please let me know because I can’t for the life of me find it on my unis intranet
Original post by Helpmeplease5555
So I’ve looked all over my unis policies and I can’t find anything relating to this and progression to second year… I’m an int student at uob if anyone can assist. I’m pretty sure I’m failing most of my first year modules, in the first sem I failed 3/4 of my modules and now in my second sem and I have just finished submitting the last of my essays and from the grades I’ve gotten so far it seems like I might pass 3/4 of my modules, so in total I’ve failed(or will have failed) 4/8 of my modules, I wanted to know if I will be given an opportunity to resit these and still progress to second year or will I have to retake the whole year? And if I end up retaking the year will I do it alongside my second year or will I have to completely start a fresh? Please let me know because I can’t for the life of me find it on my unis intranet

Birmingham? Belfast? Bath? Bangor? Etc etc etc
Birmingham, I should have specified sorry
Original post by ageshallnot
Birmingham? Belfast? Bath? Bangor? Etc etc etc
Original post by Helpmeplease5555
So I’ve looked all over my unis policies and I can’t find anything relating to this and progression to second year… I’m an int student at uob if anyone can assist. I’m pretty sure I’m failing most of my first year modules, in the first sem I failed 3/4 of my modules and now in my second sem and I have just finished submitting the last of my essays and from the grades I’ve gotten so far it seems like I might pass 3/4 of my modules, so in total I’ve failed(or will have failed) 4/8 of my modules, I wanted to know if I will be given an opportunity to resit these and still progress to second year or will I have to retake the whole year? And if I end up retaking the year will I do it alongside my second year or will I have to completely start a fresh? Please let me know because I can’t for the life of me find it on my unis intranet

You need to look at Birmingham's degree regulations.

Section 7.3.1 (a) says you need to pass 100 credits in your first year

Section 7.2.6 has lots of details about what happens if you fail, resits etc.
Original post by ageshallnot
You need to look at Birmingham's degree regulations.

Section 7.3.1 (a) says you need to pass 100 credits in your first year

Section 7.2.6 has lots of details about what happens if you fail, resits etc.

okay so ive calculated and ive only passed 80 credits. Does this mean I can't move on to my second year at all or will the resits allow me to progress if I pass them? ive looked that the document and I can only see where it outlines what to do if you're retaking/resiting but I don't see a section that talks about what qualifies you for a resit or if I will need to retake the entire module. sorry for all the questions, its a little difficult to navigate the unis intranet
Original post by Helpmeplease5555
okay so ive calculated and ive only passed 80 credits. Does this mean I can't move on to my second year at all or will the resits allow me to progress if I pass them? ive looked that the document and I can only see where it outlines what to do if you're retaking/resiting but I don't see a section that talks about what qualifies you for a resit or if I will need to retake the entire module. sorry for all the questions, its a little difficult to navigate the unis intranet

I honestly don't know, but there's no point allowing resits if they don't allow you to pass and progress. Ask your department.
Reply 6
Original post by Helpmeplease5555
okay so ive calculated and ive only passed 80 credits. Does this mean I can't move on to my second year at all or will the resits allow me to progress if I pass them? ive looked that the document and I can only see where it outlines what to do if you're retaking/resiting but I don't see a section that talks about what qualifies you for a resit or if I will need to retake the entire module. sorry for all the questions, its a little difficult to navigate the unis intranet

Did they let you go to second year with 80 credits?

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