The Student Room Group
Reply 1
To show anger could be a reason - depends in what way it is used.
What is the effect of using them?
Why are they used?

Plosives are well known for creating a rise in blood pressure and an increase dopamine release, which in turn can improve memory. Writers thus use them when they're making an important point they don't want you to forget.
The above post answers your question perfectly :smile:
Reply 4
what is a plosive alliteration in the sentence
Original post by tinase
what is a plosive alliteration in the sentence

Please don't post in old threads!

To answer your question, a plosive is a sound in which airflow is blocked, like b, p, g, k etc.. When plosives are placed next to each other, this can have various effects depending on context, but usually it conveys harshness or even disdain of some description.

Thread closed.