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How is it possible to dislocated a knee in sleep?


I suffer from risk of knee dislocation (done it four times), but my problem, while serious, is not as serious as those of others. Other sufferers suffer a dislocated knee getting into bed, or if someone taps their knee. My knees are, thank God, strong enough to avoid this.

Anyway, I have heard of sufferers dislocate their knee in their sleep. How does this work? When I dislocated my knee, it was so damn painful, just ridiculous. Although I don't know what a broken bone felt like back then, until the 3rd time I suffered the injury - 2 years later from the first occurence, it didn't feel like a broken bone the first time I did it. It felt as if I have an irreversible injury/wouldn't be able to walk again.

But if it is this painful (and believe me, it is!), does someone still sleep and feel nothing until they wake up (perhaps because an alarm has gone off)? And when they wake up, they feel the full onslaught of pain. Or is it, like when you need to go to the toilet, your body automatically wakes up (so when the injury happens in your sleep, the pain that is instant wakes you up)?

Also, do people get used to the pain of a constant, recurring injury? Some people say they are used to the pain of a dislocated knee from the number of dislocations they've had (I've had four and the pain has been ridiculous on each and every occasion).

I used to be scared of slipping in snow, ice, or wet leaves, but now I am scared of dislocating my knee in my sleep. :frown:
Reply 1
Maybe try sleeping with a hinged brace if you're worried about it
I've never heard of this but you shouldn't be afraid of doing it. It doesn't sound all that common and there is no use fretting over something which may never happen! Enjoy your sleep!
Recurrent injuries do kind of just end up not bothering you as much (ie if I sublux my patella slightly I just get really annoyed and it's more of a hindrance than a massive "OMG ooouuuch" but if it properly dislocates I'm still not used to that).
And some people have problems like a much lower groove on one side of their knee that doesn't keep their kneecap in place and/or hypermobility syndrome which means their ligaments aren't strong enough to keep it in place (essentiall).
It's on a different scale but I've been waking up with dislocated fingers at the moment...they don't really bother me massively though...I still have no idea why or when it's only when I wake up I notice them.
But seriously....don't worry about it. If you dislocated your kneecap when actually doing stuff (eg sport) the chances of this happening are very, very small and it would have happened a lot more frequently.

EDIT: and if it was an anatomical problem chances are that they'd have picked it up on X-rays already.
Reply 4
One thing I've noticed is that some people dislocate joints and don't seem to be in any pain. I've never understood that.

Also, how can you dislocate a finger? I thought only joins can be dislocated.

Lastly, to the guy who dislocated fingers in sleep: Do you wake up straight away? I'm assuming the injury causes some degree of significant pain. Do you straight away wake up and feel the pain? Or do you still sleep through and then wake up due to an alarm or some environmental factor and feel the pain?

I'm assuming the former, as I sometimes sleep awkwardly in terms of my shoulder, back and/or neck placement which causes pain in my sleep and it wakes me up straightaway (or I might have a body part in pain, and when I lie down it causes more pain, so I sleep, and it wakes me up due to pain).

Also, I do wear knee straps (non-hinged), but I really don't want to wear them all the time. I need to let my skin breathe.
One thing I've noticed is that some people dislocate joints and don't seem to be in any pain. I've never understood that.

Also, how can you dislocate a finger? I thought only joins can be dislocated.

Lastly, to the guy who dislocated fingers in sleep: Do you wake up straight away? I'm assuming the injury causes some degree of significant pain. Do you straight away wake up and feel the pain? Or do you still sleep through and then wake up due to an alarm or some environmental factor and feel the pain?

I'm assuming the former, as I sometimes sleep awkwardly in terms of my shoulder, back and/or neck placement which causes pain in my sleep and it wakes me up straightaway (or I might have a body part in pain, and when I lie down it causes more pain, so I sleep, and it wakes me up due to pain).

Also, I do wear knee straps (non-hinged), but I really don't want to wear them all the time. I need to let my skin breathe.

Your fingers have joints....I just notice it when I wake up normally and notice that they're in an odd position relative to the middle knuckle and it's mildly uncomfortable. But equally it could happen just before I wake up doesn't really matter, they're easy to sort out.

Take the knee strap off for a bit and let your skin breathe for a bit - just don't do anything stupid when you're not wearing it. And...I've dislocated my knee when it's in a cricket splint (the massive padded thing with metal running through it) before so supports won't necessarily help in situation...try without the support for a day or two and see what happens. You could always ask a physio/doctor if you're really concerned.
I dislocate my knee in my sleep quite often, sometimes I wake up in pain but it's never as bad as being awake. Sometimes I don't even know I've done it until I try getting out of bed and can't stand properly.
NEVER sleep in a hinged knee brace only wear it when you go out, when you sleep the body recovers and if you sleep with a hinged knee brace the body will think the knee is supported and mess up your joints making it weak.
(edited 7 years ago)
Original post by -Blade-

I suffer from risk of knee dislocation (done it four times), but my problem, while serious, is not as serious as those of others. Other sufferers suffer a dislocated knee getting into bed, or if someone taps their knee. My knees are, thank God, strong enough to avoid this.

Anyway, I have heard of sufferers dislocate their knee in their sleep. How does this work? When I dislocated my knee, it was so damn painful, just ridiculous. Although I don't know what a broken bone felt like back then, until the 3rd time I suffered the injury - 2 years later from the first occurence, it didn't feel like a broken bone the first time I did it. It felt as if I have an irreversible injury/wouldn't be able to walk again.

But if it is this painful (and believe me, it is!), does someone still sleep and feel nothing until they wake up (perhaps because an alarm has gone off)? And when they wake up, they feel the full onslaught of pain. Or is it, like when you need to go to the toilet, your body automatically wakes up (so when the injury happens in your sleep, the pain that is instant wakes you up)?

Also, do people get used to the pain of a constant, recurring injury? Some people say they are used to the pain of a dislocated knee from the number of dislocations they've had (I've had four and the pain has been ridiculous on each and every occasion).

I used to be scared of slipping in snow, ice, or wet leaves, but now I am scared of dislocating my knee in my sleep. :frown:

iv dislocated both knee over 100+ times and iv torn 3 of 4 ligaments in both knees, even with a hinged knee brace i still dislocate knee.
Original post by BIGGZSHAN123
iv dislocated both knee over 100+ times and iv torn 3 of 4 ligaments in both knees, even with a hinged knee brace i still dislocate knee.

i had knee surgury on my left knee and for the first 3 months i couldnt walk on it soo painful but now im walking again with chronic pain and random dislocations, hinged knee brace helps along with opites and nerve pain relief and algesal pain cream just dont give up keep moving.
Original post by -Blade-

I suffer from risk of knee dislocation (done it four times), but my problem, while serious, is not as serious as those of others. Other sufferers suffer a dislocated knee getting into bed, or if someone taps their knee. My knees are, thank God, strong enough to avoid this.

Anyway, I have heard of sufferers dislocate their knee in their sleep. How does this work? When I dislocated my knee, it was so damn painful, just ridiculous. Although I don't know what a broken bone felt like back then, until the 3rd time I suffered the injury - 2 years later from the first occurence, it didn't feel like a broken bone the first time I did it. It felt as if I have an irreversible injury/wouldn't be able to walk again.

But if it is this painful (and believe me, it is!), does someone still sleep and feel nothing until they wake up (perhaps because an alarm has gone off)? And when they wake up, they feel the full onslaught of pain. Or is it, like when you need to go to the toilet, your body automatically wakes up (so when the injury happens in your sleep, the pain that is instant wakes you up)?

Also, do people get used to the pain of a constant, recurring injury? Some people say they are used to the pain of a dislocated knee from the number of dislocations they've had (I've had four and the pain has been ridiculous on each and every occasion).

I used to be scared of slipping in snow, ice, or wet leaves, but now I am scared of dislocating my knee in my sleep. :frown:

The way you structured this thread is deserving of some admiration. I mean the length of each paragraph is just consistent through out. I cannot thank you enough.....
But the emoji kind of ruined it tho
(edited 7 years ago)
Original post by BIGGZSHAN123
iv dislocated both knee over 100+ times and iv torn 3 of 4 ligaments in both knees, even with a hinged knee brace i still dislocate knee.

you never get use to the chronic pain its like waves of pulsating pain that cames and goes
Not suppose to sleep with a hinged knee brace as the knee lets go because of the supports causing more damage, when you go out wear them and when you get back and relaxing the loosen them up and when you change take them off and let them airdry.
My knee popped out in my sleep 3 weeks ago and I am still recuperating from it. I am 23 years old, healthy, and exercise often. I had my knee pop out before, but I had been getting up from the floor when it came out, it was more explainable.I was sleeping and I remember flipping from my left side to laying on my right and It somehow popped out. IT HURT LIKE HELL!!! I was up in no time. I've had this happen to me years ago, and was able to sleep with it dislocated, but it was extremely painful and uncomfortable. I wish I had an explanation for you as to why this occurred, but nobody has been able to tell me what the problem is.
Reply 14
Actually that has happen me more than once and it called subluxating of the knee cap and basically where knee cap literally pop out place and go back in. on sign of this are swelling and pain behind knee and unable full bend or straighten your leg, and can be cause be moving leg to suddenly from curled to straight or straight to curled because prombelm inside knee itself though not as serious as discolation itself it just as painful becuase it actually temporarily discolation but is more common than a discolation and will heal on own and it actually happen me while I was laying in bed while I was watching a vidoe and think pain what wake you becuase it literally feel like your leg exploded and able go back sleep after is subsided to be only bit painful
(edited 6 years ago)