The Student Room Group

Foundation year (Kent and Bristol)

I've applied to do undergraduate degrees starting in September but feel like I am going to miss out on my grades (massively). I really want to go to Bristol but am worried if I do a foundation year that no one will be my age and that it will be unnecessary/not beneficial and a waste of money because I couldn't get the grades/ scared to resit.

However if I were to resit my A levels again next year I don't think I would improve much more (aimed at my A level French) as I am not good at it no matter how hard I try and worried that I would still have to do a foundation year but be 2 years behind everybody else.

Anyone got more information on foundation years? (mainly at Bristol and Kent) and whether it might be worth doing another A level in a year?
(edited 2 years ago)
Since Bristol doesnt offer specific degrees with Foundation years, taking a gap year and resitting A levels would be the best route.
And btw, once you get to Uni, no-one cares how old you are - and also studying alongside you there will be many older students in their twenties, thirties and older.
Original post by student9876544
I've applied to do undergraduate degrees starting in September but feel like I am going to miss out on my grades (massively). I really want to go to Bristol but am worried if I do a foundation year that no one will be my age and that it will be unnecessary/not beneficial and a waste of money because I couldn't get the grades/ scared to resit.

However if I were to resit my A levels again next year I don't think I would improve much more (aimed at my A level French) as I am not good at it no matter how hard I try and worried that I would still have to do a foundation year but be 2 years behind everybody else.

Anyone got more information on foundation years? (mainly at Bristol and Kent) and whether it might be worth doing another A level in a year?

If you don’t want to take a foundation year and don’t think you can improve your grades much even if you sat your A levels again, I’m afraid the most logical thing would be to consider Unis that require lower grades than Bristol that you could get into this year with your achieved grades. Sorry if this isn’t what you want to hear but lots of people every year have to adjust their plans and it normally works out just fine in the end.
Reply 3
Original post by student9876544
I've applied to do undergraduate degrees starting in September but feel like I am going to miss out on my grades (massively). I really want to go to Bristol but am worried if I do a foundation year that no one will be my age and that it will be unnecessary/not beneficial and a waste of money because I couldn't get the grades/ scared to resit.
However if I were to resit my A levels again next year I don't think I would improve much more (aimed at my A level French) as I am not good at it no matter how hard I try and worried that I would still have to do a foundation year but be 2 years behind everybody else.
Anyone got more information on foundation years? (mainly at Bristol and Kent) and whether it might be worth doing another A level in a year?
what did you end up doing? i’m sort of in similar boat 2 of my exams went really well, but one of them i kinda flopped. And i need triple A’s for my course

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