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OCR A-level History British period study and enquiry: All exams 10th Jun 2022


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OCR A-level History British period study and enquiry: All exams 10th Jun 2022 [Exam Chat]

Here is the exam discussion for this exam. Talk anything from how to revise for it, specific questions or time management :ahee:

Date/Time: Friday 10th June AM
Length: 1h30


:goodluck: with revision and exams :work:

@Mythical Pingu

Hello Tudor Historians for Friday
(edited 2 years ago)

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@GuidoGyro I merged you into the OCR History 10th June thread :smile: (apologies for formatting issues!) How are you feeling about the Tudors exam?
(edited 2 years ago)
Does anyone know what the questions for part A were last year?
Reply 3
Violently ill
Reply 4
Original post by cakt-us
Violently ill

Sorry to hear:frown: how so
Reply 5
Original post by scarlett_2004__
Does anyone know what the questions for part A were last year?

Not public
will areas shown on advanced information definitely come up as a question then?
Reply 7
Original post by Jamesv9320
will areas shown on advanced information definitely come up as a question then?

The source question will incorporate "stability" whether that be in the question, or the content is primarily about age, gender, factionalism. but keep in mind this could mean crossover like if a gender question mentions wyatt or a factionalism question quarrels about a prayer book.

yes a henry the vii domestic question and henry viii (latter half of his reign) question will come up. but no info past that really
How was the exam?
I did Tudors, I thought it wasn't too bad. At first the 20 markers looked horrendous, but after actually doing them, I managed to find my argument along the way. The 30 marker seemed a bit confusing, but I managed to cobble together a half-decent argument about political stability being gained from the authority of the king/queen, but being undermined by Mary's claim
Reply 10
how did you guys find early stuarts? the 20 markers were so nice i thought
Reply 11
I did Wars of the Roses. I liked the paper overall. Thought the sources were fine, and I really enjoyed writing my 20-marker; Richard III is such a fascinating guy whom I could talk for ages about, and I liked the focus of the question on his ability as a ruler.
Reply 12
Original post by Madsfr
how did you guys find early stuarts? the 20 markers were so nice i thought

I was hoping for success of personal rule so was very happy!!
Reply 13
Original post by sfp04
I did Wars of the Roses. I liked the paper overall. Thought the sources were fine, and I really enjoyed writing my 20-marker; Richard III is such a fascinating guy whom I could talk for ages about, and I liked the focus of the question on his ability as a ruler.

Thought the questions were decent. The sources Q was quite vague which I felt was good as it meant you could talk about a range of things. I chose the 20 marker on Henry VII as I knew more about him but thought both options were nice.
Reply 14
Thought the questions were decent. The sources Q was quite vague which I felt was good as it meant you could talk about a range of things. I chose the 20 marker on Henry VII as I knew more about him but thought both options were nice.

I thought the fact that you had to remember to separately evaluate two different attributes (loyal and able) complicated the source question a bit, but the actual sources themselves were good and had a lot to comment on.
Did anyone do the Pitt to Peel, Whig splits were the reason Pitt stayed in power? I didn't see the end of the question about the 1790s and as a result, didn't talk about his handling of the radical threat such as his 1790s policies of suspending Habeus corpus and the seditious meetings act and the popular loyalist support he had through the church and kings clubs as well as the Reeves association will I be able to score any more than 10?
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 16
hi - any chnace you remember what the questions were for early stuarts lol
Original post by Madsfr
how did you guys find early stuarts? the 20 markers were so nice i thought
Reply 17
How successful was personal rule? But don’t remember the source one :smile:
Original post by James.mp4
I did Tudors, I thought it wasn't too bad. At first the 20 markers looked horrendous, but after actually doing them, I managed to find my argument along the way. The 30 marker seemed a bit confusing, but I managed to cobble together a half-decent argument about political stability being gained from the authority of the king/queen, but being undermined by Mary's clai

Any idea what the 2022 papers for early tudors questions were ?
Original post by Alex ho
Any idea what the 2022 papers for early tudors questions were ?

I think one of them was about Cromwell's fall but I don't know the others

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