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Edexcel A Level Religious Studies Paper 2: Religion and Ethics 9RS0 02 - 14 Jun 2022


How did the Edexcel A Level Religious Studies Paper 2 exam go for you?

Edexcel A Level Religious Studies Paper 2: Religion and Ethics 9RS0 02 - 14 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat]

Here is the exam discussion for this exam. Talk anything from how to revise for it, specific questions or time management :ahee:

Date/Time: Tuesday 14th June AM
Length: 2h

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:goodluck: with revision and exams :work:

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Anyone got any ideas about the questions? Obvs medical ethics for q3 but any other thoughts?
Absolutely no clue if i'm honest - personally I'm HOPING for a 30 on war and peace, an 8 on meta-ethics (I HATE META ETHICS lol), obvi 10 medical 20 something related? (abortion/euthensaisa) and then a 12 on sexual. IDEALLY....
Original post by Alice12346
Anyone got any ideas about the questions? Obvs medical ethics for q3 but any other thoughts?
Original post by Ellie.marlin
Absolutely no clue if i'm honest - personally I'm HOPING for a 30 on war and peace, an 8 on meta-ethics (I HATE META ETHICS lol), obvi 10 medical 20 something related? (abortion/euthensaisa) and then a 12 on sexual. IDEALLY....

omg no that would be the worst for me!! im hoping the 8 is sexual ethics, 12 is war, and 30 is something rlly broad like "Emotivism is the most persuasive approach to ethics"
bruv. emotivism? idek who spoke about that. no way I could write a 30 on that
Original post by Alice12346
omg no that would be the worst for me!! im hoping the 8 is sexual ethics, 12 is war, and 30 is something rlly broad like "Emotivism is the most persuasive approach to ethics"
Original post by Ellie.marlin
bruv. emotivism? idek who spoke about that. no way I could write a 30 on that

meta-ethics is the detah of me. if i get into that exam and the 30 marker is eexual ethics I will cry tears of joy. i want no higher than 8 markers for met-ethics, 12 at a push
ANYWAY i have given up predicitng what the topics for the questions will be - for paper 1 I thought arguments for Gods existence would an 8 and it was the 30 :/ I think I could skim my way through a 30 marker on war and peace cause u could bring up pressure groups, crhistains views which could be a snypotiv link and then just War theory. sexual ethics could be a little harder as 30 as I find a synoptic link harder for that (if anyone has any synotpic links for that ill marry u) but I could right about it cause it seems like common sense at times - the world has changed therefore homosexual relationships/marriage are moral for example.
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by _aaliceg
ANYWAY i have given up predicitng what the topics for the questions will be - for paper 1 I thought arguments for Gods existence would an 8 and it was the 30 :/ I think I could skim my way through a 30 marker on war and peace cause u could bring up pressure groups, crhistains views which could be a snypotiv link and then just War theory. sexual ethics could be a little harder as 30 as I find a synoptic link harder for that (if anyone has any synotpic links for that ill marry u) but I could right about it cause it seems like common sense at times - the world has changed therefore homosexual relationships/marriage are moral for example.

Paper one screwed us over with those questions sm

I struggle so much with sexual ethics because there are so many elements and so many views like pre-marital sex adultery
promiscuity same-sex relationships contraception its all too much no way

i always use the bible as a synoptic link because jesus never said anything about gay marriage, and he save that lady who committed adultery that one time, plus you can talk about all the bible passages people use to argue that being gay is wrong
Original post by Alice12346
Paper one screwed us over with those questions sm

I struggle so much with sexual ethics because there are so many elements and so many views like pre-marital sex adultery
promiscuity same-sex relationships contraception its all too much no way

i always use the bible as a synoptic link because jesus never said anything about gay marriage, and he save that lady who committed adultery that one time, plus you can talk about all the bible passages people use to argue that being gay is wrong

hi other alice lol
yeah i’ll probably go with the Bible if it’s our 30, if meta ethics is the 30 i’m so screwed i still have no idea what cognitive means it always messes me up

I totally get you with all the content for sexual ethics i’m looking at the specification and there are so many topics u have to know differnet opinions on. i have no idea about childlessness and promiscuity but think i could make up dominations opinions on the rest
Original post by _aaliceg
hi other alice lol
yeah i’ll probably go with the Bible if it’s our 30, if meta ethics is the 30 i’m so screwed i still have no idea what cognitive means it always messes me up

I totally get you with all the content for sexual ethics i’m looking at the specification and there are so many topics u have to know differnet opinions on. i have no idea about childlessness and promiscuity but think i could make up dominations opinions on the rest

hahah hi other alice

For meta ethics i am just rote learning chunks like i know Moore is a realist non naturalist cognitivist but i dont know what that actually means lol praying thats enough to get me through

For sexual ethics im sticking to roman catholic and liberal protestant views because they contrast well and i think it will be enough, do you have any reasources on sexual ethics?
has anyone got some example questions? my teacher has provided us with nothing but knowledge lol we literally have had no exam practice for paper two. it would be nice if someone can post some questions so we can have a think ab them :smile: thanks
hi what could they ask for medical ethics for question 3
(Original post by Alice12346)Anyone got any ideas about the questions? Obvs medical ethics for q3 but any other thoughts?

hi what could they ask for medical ethics man?
Reply 13
Original post by Alice12346
hahah hi other alice

For meta ethics i am just rote learning chunks like i know Moore is a realist non naturalist cognitivist but i dont know what that actually means lol praying thats enough to get me through

For sexual ethics im sticking to roman catholic and liberal protestant views because they contrast well and i think it will be enough, do you have any reasources on sexual ethics?

Moore is a:

Realist ('goodness' exists in reality)

Non-naturalist ('goodness' exists in the non-natural reality).

Cognitivist (ethical language expresses beliefs that can be true or false)
Original post by Alice12346
hahah hi other alice

For meta ethics i am just rote learning chunks like i know Moore is a realist non naturalist cognitivist but i dont know what that actually means lol praying thats enough to get me through

For sexual ethics im sticking to roman catholic and liberal protestant views because they contrast well and i think it will be enough, do you have any reasources on sexual ethics?

i made a huge slideshow on sexual ethics for the start of life side of things but not for end of life - I only did end of life recently so that parts fresh in my brain and seeing as the anthology focuses on end of life I think start of life could be the 20??
Original post by revirevi
hi what could they ask for medical ethics for question 3

seeing as the anthology focuses on end of life (I have quick notes if u want as u don'treally need to know the anthology just wat it mentions) I think 20 marker could be about start of life?

if not it could be like 'analyse the slippery slope argument in terms of legalising euthanasia' something like that. to me it would either be the morality or legalising of euthanasia if it was on end of life.
Orit would be about the morality of something to do with start of life, such as morality of abortion, alternating views on them, stem cell research etc..
Original post by _aaliceg
i made a huge slideshow on sexual ethics for the start of life side of things but not for end of life - I only did end of life recently so that parts fresh in my brain and seeing as the anthology focuses on end of life I think start of life could be the 20??

Thats such a good point i reckon it will be a "analyse the value of religious approaches to the debate about abortion" or something similar?
cannot lie im quite scared for the 10 and 20

Original post by Alice12346
Thats such a good point i reckon it will be a "analyse the value of religious approaches to the debate about abortion" or something similar?
Original post by Alice12346
Thats such a good point i reckon it will be a "analyse the value of religious approaches to the debate about abortion" or something similar?

i think they may have done one very similar to that before maybe take a look at past paper 20 markers with the wilcockson anthology, I think I might be thinking of a 30 marker tho.
For medical ethics are you taking 'embryo research' to be an umbrella term for stem cells, IVF etc, or is it its own thing?