The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Not allowed I'm afraid.
Not allowed I'm afraid.

Surely you dont know where the person is at uni?

Most places wont allow it. We still had one though... and chopped up the floor boards when it escaped :o: Just be careful.

Wait till your in private rented accom maybe.
Reply 3
Ok, I rephrase that...MOST uni's do not allow pets to be kept in accommodation.
Reply 4
I thought this was going to be a thread about Richard Hammond doing a degree, when I saw it in the Recent Threads list. :p:
Not allowed I'm afraid.

shame. You'd get some girls with a cute little hamster!
Hide it?
Reply 7
I'm so tempted to get a hamster now. They don't check rooms.
I'm so tempted to get a hamster now. They don't check rooms.

Nor your underwear!

Ok I'm only joking. It's easy to get bad rep here :sigh:
I'm currently in the same position; I really want one. They're supposed to give 24 hours notice before room checks (and I know people living nearby), but I always worry they'll sneak in during a fire drill or sommat...

Mind you, if I check what the temperature and air is like under my bed, I could keep it there when I'm at lectures and stuff... How'd I check the air; go there myself for a while?

Please convince me not to buy one :P
Reply 10
dont get one, youll like it 4 a while and then get bored of playing with it
plus they poo everywhere tiny little poos and if youre lazy or really busy it will stink b4 u clean it out
another point, u wont have enough time in the evenings 2 play with it
drunkards in your room could be dangerous to the poor little ball of fluff
its something else you have to pay 4!! food/bedding/cage/treats/exercise ball/what if it gets ill? vets fees
it will be lonely, ive always had 2 hamsters together 4 company, but thats double money

just wait till ur renting with m8s or privately and get a pet altogether to share costs.
True true. I wouldn't get bored, but I guess I'll be able to look after one better in a few years time. TBH, that was just the midnight optimism getting to me last post :P
I would go for it. they probably won't notice, you can keep Syrians alone very happily. It will cost very little once you get a cage and it will be good to keep as company. :biggrin:
Nah, would never forgive myself if I couldn't afford to get it vet's treatment or sommat.

Thanks for the help, tho, specially Piehead.
Reply 14
I have a hamster.

His name is Howard and he's a bit retarded - had an accident as a baby.

He's a happy little thing and I let him out every night to have a run around the bed.
I clean his cage once every 4 days so he doesn't smell. I could leave it longer than that, but sawdust is cheap enough.
Reply 15
Reply 16
Check your lease. But it's probably not allowed.

Reply 17
It's not usually allowed. However last year my flatmate managed to get a rabbit and keep it in her room
Reply 18
To be honest it depends on how stringent your accomodation checks are. The wardens, cleaners and housing person knew I had rats and a hedgehog, but so long as I kept them under the desk, they were covered up, cleaned out and my room was tidy they didn't have an issue. Other people got given notices to either rehome their animals with x amount of time or face eviction from halls as they have broken the contract.

A gamekeeper kept his dog in his room as I recall, and no one minded,very much a uni dependant type thing.
I'm surprised no ones pointed out the fact that hamsters need looking after and are more responsibility than you may think. At uni are you really going to want to feed it everyday, play with it and clean out it's smelly cage 1-2 times a week?
Not really fare on the animal having to live in noisy halls, plus you would have to take it with you everytime you go back home.
So yeah, not a good idea.