The Student Room Group

Portsmouth, Bournemouth, Brunel, Reading, Kent students please read

hey guys, right now i am in Essex studying Bsc Psychology. I want to switch uni second year to one near Southampton(if i can't get into that one).

The reason i want to switch is that (1) there is no studying atomosphere here. got here and then found out this is the party uni.
(2) i can't make many friends here

So i want to ask:
how is your university, do people study or do they party all the time(give me the majority), here in essex, there are parties every monday,wednsday. Clubbing friday and saturday, I can't even get a good night sleep and i am in the best halls.

(2) how are the people, are they friendly? could i get into study groups with them or do they study on their own?

Also, any advice regarding to the possibility of switching uni?

Thank You :yep: Good advice=possible +rep:biggrin:
Reply 1
ill think you'll find that every uni have parties happening in there clubs/bars here at kent theres soooo many bars (5 to be exact) and 1 night club on campus so yeah theres parties going on but i wouldn't say kent is a party uni far from it! My friend does psychology in essex 2nd year tho and shes doing don't have to go to these parties its not by not the party type either so i don't go out every night!!! ive heard brunel is a party uni 2!!...ermm i think you should stay because essex is really good for psychology, southampton is too but they are asking for very high grades!!...all the other unis except reading are not on par with essex
Reply 2
I am at Kent, but on the Medway campus. From what I hear Kent at Canterbury is party party party, Kent at Medway (still the same uni just a different campus) isn't party party party, but pretty academic.
Reply 3
Portsmouth was rather party party party and rowdy when I was there. Clubs and societies seemed to limit their socialising to mainly pub crawls. It came across as quite rare that they'd do something like Bowling or going to the Dogs one evening.
I understand what you mean about trying to get decent sleep. I enjoy going out to pubs/clubs now and again but no more than a couple times a month. I get bored of it! Plus it's expensive :frown: Halls was a nightmare for me (James Watson Hall)... 4am fire alarms, loud music, idiots jumping all at once in lifts to break them....
My friend's sister did Psychology at Portsmouth actually haha. Well anyway I live in Portsmouth and henceforth a lot of my friends go there. They don't go out every night - the people I know go out once a week tops. Though there are good clubs here (apparently, though I don't really go anywhere else) if you want them. I think it'll be the same at most Universities, especially considering it's still quite near the start of the first term so everyone's still excited and people aren't really behind on their work yet.
Reply 5
Avoid Portsmouth if you don't want a party uni :wink:
It's non stop, and I love it :top:
I am at Kent, but on the Medway campus. From what I hear Kent at Canterbury is party party party, Kent at Medway (still the same uni just a different campus) isn't party party party, but pretty academic.

is psychology located at Medway?
I know essex is good for psychology, i like it. I just don't like the atomosphere here and i can't work here.
I am not being forced to go clubbing lol, is just that no one seems to study here.
Also another reason i want to move around Southampton is that My Gf is going there next year. Since i don't like Essex i might as well go there.
Can any1 else back up that Brunel is a party uni as well? cos i heard its pretty good(in terms of achedemic achievements)

Hows Reading Psychology, does any1 know?
Reply 7
my frends cousin goes to brunel uni and she realised how much essays she had left to the last minute last year because of the amount of partying she has been doing....but i guess every uni has parties..its just down to you as an individual and your willpower..ya get meh
Reply 8
To be honest I think you're asking difficult questions. Universities are generally going to have a strong nightlife - even if the area is small, the whole alcohol culture will be there because thats the student stigma.
As for whether the people are friendly? That depends on the cohort every year - nobody can predict that!

I can give you my personal experience of Reading though - the nightlife is very busy and messy if you get involved, but you could probably stay out of the way to a reasonable extent if you were in one of the smaller halls or in a house. You just need to fall into the right crowd to meet nice people, and my course is full of all kinds of people - quiet, loud, friendly, shy.. the list goes on!
ill think you'll find that every uni have parties happening in there clubs/bars here at kent theres soooo many bars (5 to be exact) and 1 night club on campus so yeah theres parties going on but i wouldn't say kent is a party uni far from it! My friend does psychology in essex 2nd year tho and shes doing don't have to go to these parties its not by not the party type either so i don't go out every night!!! ive heard brunel is a party uni 2!!...ermm i think you should stay because essex is really good for psychology, southampton is too but they are asking for very high grades!!...all the other unis except reading are not on par with essex

hey didn't you get in soton?
Reply 10
I've got a couple of friends at Kent, and the times I've visited its usually been quite quiet, the study areas at Canterbury stay open until quite late. I've not been on Bournemouth's campus, but it seemed 50/50 when I went there. I think it's just a matter of finding a nice group to study with & hang out with.

Maybe go to open days at the uni's you want to apply for, and asking a mix of current students? :smile:
Reply 11
hey didn't you get in soton?

nope got ABBc needed ABBb.....apparently economics is ver popular so no spaces on there course
Reply 12
To be honest I think you're asking difficult questions. Universities are generally going to have a strong nightlife - even if the area is small, the whole alcohol culture will be there because thats the student stigma.
As for whether the people are friendly? That depends on the cohort every year - nobody can predict that!

I can give you my personal experience of Reading though - the nightlife is very busy and messy if you get involved, but you could probably stay out of the way to a reasonable extent if you were in one of the smaller halls or in a house. You just need to fall into the right crowd to meet nice people, and my course is full of all kinds of people - quiet, loud, friendly, shy.. the list goes on!

Sorry to go off the topic of this thread but are you enjoying the law course at reading? pretty random but im trying to find out as much as i can about the place and law course cas i have an offer from there and im seriously considering it. any help would be much appreciated