The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
It has wall-to-wall ceilings, and ceiling-to-ceiling walls.

Do I assume there's a poll coming?
mine is a big pot of boiling up female hormones *shudders* Sometimes I really hate it..
Reply 3
Mine is a horrible mixed schoolwhich I hate!
Reply 4
Boys only, but there's a girls school right down the road which we are on good terms with and hang out together at break. It's kind of alright, though you do have to make an effort if you want to meet girls.
Reply 5
Deffinitely from a mixed school! hey people from single sex schools do you think they have higher numbers of gay people in them?
Reply 6
primary was mixed...grammar school was boys only...private school was mixed again
Reply 7
Boys only, but there's a girls school right down the road which we are on good terms with and hang out together at break. It's kind of alright, though you do have to make an effort if you want to meet girls.

is your school in dorset?
I went to mixed schools, all the way through. I couldn't imagine being stuck with all males. It would ruin your late teens almost completely. Then again, I can imagine that non-mixed schools students potentially can get better grades. I was quite often... distracted... by 'non-academic things' at school.

Hmm... imagine being the only guy at an all girls' school. :biggrin:. Ironically you'd probably end up gay. You'd get sick of 'em. On the other hand, if you were the only girl at an all-boys school you'd probably be gang raped to death.
Reply 9
i wish i went to a mixed school. but hey, i get by..
Reply 10
Mixed. Would hate to go to an all girls school!
Reply 11
Mixed. Would hate to go to an all girls school!

not actually that bad... as long as your social and have a life.. granted a lot of people in my school don't!
Reply 12
an all boys school, would be terrible, you'd leave it horny as hell.
ALthough if you happened to be near an all girls schol
Reply 13
not actually that bad... as long as your social and have a life.. granted a lot of people in my school don't!

Yeah I guess. I was probably being a bit dramatic. It's just I tend to get on better with guys anyway. I would have hardly anyone to argue about football with if I went to an all girls school!
Reply 14
is your school in dorset?

I wish it was :frown:
Reply 15
I wish it was :frown:

Reply 16

Dorset's lovely and sunny by the coast
Reply 17
Dorset's lovely and sunny by the coast

sunny my arse... im on the coast and its been BLOODY freezing... esp. hard when your a smoker and can't smoke inside

i have frostbite :mad:
Reply 18
mixed :smile:
Reply 19
sunny my arse... im on the coast and its been BLOODY freezing... esp. hard when your a smoker and can't smoke inside

i have frostbite :mad:

Aw, maybe it's a bit warmer inland where the smog keeps us insulated :smile: