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edexcel igcse chemistry paper 2c discussion ( on 20th)

The chem paper 2 is on 20th so yea any ideas or predictions guys ? We can discuss it here
Reply 1
Original post by david.321
The chem paper 2 is on 20th so yea any ideas or predictions guys ? We can discuss it here

Hi I actually have a question. For electrolysis questions, I was doing some practice and I had to work out moles produced of e.g. chlorine by knowing the amount of faradays passed through the solution? I have never done this before and I checked that it was for IGCSE chemistry and it was 😭😭 just checking if anyone else knows how to do this? Ive never seen it on the specification either but it freaked me out😂
Original post by A_bee :)
Hi I actually have a question. For electrolysis questions, I was doing some practice and I had to work out moles produced of e.g. chlorine by knowing the amount of faradays passed through the solution? I have never done this before and I checked that it was for IGCSE chemistry and it was 😭😭 just checking if anyone else knows how to do this? Ive never seen it on the specification either but it freaked me out😂

Was this on Physics and Maths Tutor? I saw the same thing, but as I've never been taught it in my life and it's nowhere on the specification I am just ignoring the questions; I have concluded that it's from the old specification and they just haven't updated it. But maybe I'm wrong.
Reply 3
Original post by plankt0n
How did everyone find it? I thought it was pretty good but the structural formula one confused me (nobody at my school knew what you were supposed to write). I put the following because I saw something similar on the specification but I don't think it's right, what did everyone else put?


How many marks for that question?
Original post by User2762
How many marks for that question?

Well that was one mark but there were another two marks of a similar style
Original post by plankt0n
How did everyone find it? I thought it was pretty good but the structural formula one confused me (nobody at my school knew what you were supposed to write). I put the following because I saw something similar on the specification but I don't think it's right, what did everyone else put?


i did the same thing, but instead of CH3 i wrote it with its bonds, like H - C - H?
Original post by randompanda_
i did the same thing, but instead of CH3 i wrote it with its bonds, like H - C - H?

Oh yeah I was thinking of doing that, but the fact it said structural formula rather than displayed formula kind of threw me off
Original post by plankt0n
Oh yeah I was thinking of doing that, but the fact it said structural formula rather than displayed formula kind of threw me off

maybe thats it, ig we'll never know till the results day lol, i think it was like a mark though so its not too bad
Reply 8
what do you think grade boundaries will be
Reply 9
YOOOO anyone did the 2CR paper?
Original post by plankt0n
Was this on Physics and Maths Tutor? I saw the same thing, but as I've never been taught it in my life and it's nowhere on the specification I am just ignoring the questions; I have concluded that it's from the old specification and they just haven't updated it. But maybe I'm wrong.

I’m so glad it didn’t come up and yes, I think you were right! I hope it went well for everyone, I thought it was pretty good too but the structural formula one put me off because in my notes that would be something like COOH or something, not the displayed formula 😭😭 luckily I think all the structural formula questions were 3 marks in total, so not much!
Reply 11
They asked the structural formula for CH3COOH right ?
So this is what it looks like
they would give marks to ur one too i mean its the same u didnt expand the H letters thats all :smile:
Reply 12
what do you think grade boundaries will be

lower ig ? cuz they gave us advanced info bcz we were in pandemic and stuff so they might lower it or they might increase it bcz the they would say papers were easy ?
does anyone know if theres a breakdown of the answers for the paper like you can sometimes find with maths?
Reply 14
Original post by david.321
They asked the structural formula for CH3COOH right ?
So this is what it looks like
they would give marks to ur one too i mean its the same u didnt expand the H letters thats all :smile:

you aren't supposed to write the OH separate that's displayed formula.
Does anyone know if we ever receive our raw grade or percentage from the exams? is there any way we can get our marked paper back?
Original post by lizziefizzie
Does anyone know if we ever receive our raw grade or percentage from the exams? is there any way we can get our marked paper back?

You will receive the raw mark and the grade.

Your exam board will provide an "access to scripts" service, by which you request your marked paper back. You would arrange this request via your school (you can't request it yourself).

If you think you might want them to take another look at your papers (because you're very close to the next grade boundary, for example), then you can request a "review of marking". If time allows (e.g. you don't have a sixth form entry decision waiting on the details of a possible grade change), then you would request a "priority access to script", look through the papers with your teacher to see if you think there were missed marks, and if there were request a "review of marking" for just those papers (and not the others). "Access to scripts" is free; "review of marking" has an associated cost. (It varies by exam board, but perhaps £40 per paper).

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