The Student Room Group

CBRE Graduate Scheme 2022

Anyone Received an offer / reply from CBRE Graduate Scheme this year? There were a few schemes going on such as the Future Leaders Grad Scheme and Digital & Technology.
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by ClearWheyIsolate
Anyone Received an offer / reply from CBRE Graduate Scheme this year? There were a few schemes going on such as the Future Leaders Grad Scheme and Digital & Technology.

I recently applied to the digital tech scheme, just about to do my online tests it’s strange bc I have to do a video interview to but i don’t that was the case for everyone ! ? Wbu
Original post by Lilianna2
I recently applied to the digital tech scheme, just about to do my online tests it’s strange bc I have to do a video interview to but i don’t that was the case for everyone ! ? Wbu

I done the assessment centre 2 weeks ago, still waiting for a response as they have emailed a few people saying they are still trying to give out offers and shortlisting candidates.
Oooh ok!! Good luck! Can I ask what division and location u applied to ? And I have to do a video interview and an assessment for mine but I’ve been told people don’t all need to have done a video interview? Idk if you did but if so do you have any advice 🥺
Original post by Lilianna2
Oooh ok!! Good luck! Can I ask what division and location u applied to ? And I have to do a video interview and an assessment for mine but I’ve been told people don’t all need to have done a video interview? Idk if you did but if so do you have any advice 🥺

Good luck to you too! Future Leaders and London. I think its mandatory to do the video interview. Advice generally is to have some STAR examples ready, the VI was quite a while ago, but mine was strength based ones and I think they had one question about the current market.
Original post by ClearWheyIsolate
I done the assessment centre 2 weeks ago, still waiting for a response as they have emailed a few people saying they are still trying to give out offers and shortlisting candidates.

Hello, How was the assessment centre and what did it involve throughout the day?
Original post by carter1243
Hello, How was the assessment centre and what did it involve throughout the day?

I’m assuming you got through to the AC ! Just wanted to know how long the wait was to hear back from completing the job simulation ?
Original post by Lilianna2
I’m assuming you got through to the AC ! Just wanted to know how long the wait was to hear back from completing the job simulation ?

Yes i got through to the AC, as for the job simulation - I had a video interview and i believe it took a few days or so to hear back about the AC
Original post by carter1243
Hello, How was the assessment centre and what did it involve throughout the day?

It was fun and not your normal strengths and weaknesses type questions. Not sure if they changed it, but first part was a group task, then individual presentation and then a few questions from the recruitment team / HR and management. In all honesty, this was the only interview I enjoyed completely compared to other assessment centres.
Original post by ClearWheyIsolate
It was fun and not your normal strengths and weaknesses type questions. Not sure if they changed it, but first part was a group task, then individual presentation and then a few questions from the recruitment team / HR and management. In all honesty, this was the only interview I enjoyed completely compared to other assessment centres.

Ah cool, yea that's the same format i have for mine. Was the group task and individual presentation hard and what topics were you asked to present on? Additionally what questions did you/do you suggest asking or will be asked by the recruitment/HR and management?
Reply 10
I received an offer, were any of you successful?
Hi, I have the assessment centre coming up. Is anyone able to shed a bit more light on the individual presentation? What were you asked to present on?
Hi, When is your assessment centre and what role did you apply to? I applied to financial analyst and I only seem to have 2 groupexercises.

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