Hey everyone,
I spent a lot of year 12 and year 13 on here lol. Long story short thoroughly debated applying to medicine, but I did. Got 3 offers, but was still very unsure whether to take them all of year 13. I did accept offers, but ended up underperforming in my exam do to so many reasons I won't get into.
I knew I'd missed my offer from my second chemistry exam haha, while you can never be completely sure I was a solid 99%. So I had all summer to think about that to do when what I thought would happen on results day did happen. I strongly considered resitting and reapplying, because I know all of the warnings about grad med etc, but in the end I decided to go to uni this year and do a life science degree. This is because my life was very in flux through sixth form, which I think contributed to a huge amount of indecisiveness and worrying about my future, I do not think this would've improved with another year at home, secondly my home life isn't great and I was really keen to leave for uni, and finally I genuinely love biology and did not mind studying that (and related subjects). My thinking was essentially "I have no idea if I eventually want to do medicine, but for now I'm happy to do this"
Now 5 weeks into my Bsc Biology, I won't say I regret that decision, because I am so happy where I am. I love all my flatmates and friends, I love what I'm learning, I love my city, and I know I made the right decision with regards to my mental health. Staying in my home situation to resit and reapply would not have been good for me, here I am happier than I have ever been. Having said that, as time goes on I'm more sure that I do in fact want more than just biology, and that I want to pursue medicine.
Of course though, it is too late to sit the UCAT or BMAT for this year. Which is kind of where my dilemma is. If I could apply this year I probably would resit and reapply, but that is not an option. I see these two routes at the moment:
1) Drop out and do whatever this year (2022-2023) and resit my a-levels. Then sit UCAT in 2023 summer for standard entry in 2024.
2) Continue with my biology degree, put my all into it, and simultaneously be thinking about a grad med application ( in terms of work experience and UCAT/GAMSAT etc), Apply in 3rd year (oct 2024) for entry into grad med in 2025.
Time wise (if I were to get into both first time), both routes are the same, would graduate both in 2029. But of course grad med is much more competitive and would likely take longer to get a place if at all. Financially of course I'd be better off with the first route. But I guess my concern around that is not really quantifiable, as it's all mental. Route 1, requires me to drop out of a situation I'm happy in, to return home and basically work full time and do a-levels for 2 more years, with the hope of getting into undergrad medicine first time. And considering how indecisive I've been in the past, I'm worried I'll take this huge risk and halfway through end up having the same doubts I had in year 13. I'm leaning towards finishing my Bsc for these reasons, I'll be older, more mature, and hopefully more secure in my thinking and comfortable in my life. But the higher competition does concern me, and I don't know how I'd begin to fund undergrad as a grad. I've come on here, because I've received so much great advice in the past, and I'm well aware of the anti-grad-med-where-possible, attitude shared here.
Sorry this was so long, and if you got to the end thank you so much lol. If anyone has advice and input I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you x