The Student Room Group

OCR A Level Sociology notes [Predicted A]

Here are my sociology notes from 2022 to help you all, these notes are really good and condensed, they contain all the useful information you need. These notes have helped me go from an E grade to an A, so yes it does really help.

I've realised that there is barely any OCR information on the internet and for the whole of Year 12 and 13 I had to rely on one huge textbook which gets annoying, so hopefully with these notes you can get more information

-These notes are from 2022 so they leave out gender because it was taken out the spec this year due to COVID adjustments, where only age/class/ethnicity were considered.

Paper 1- culture, identity, socialisation and subcultures
Paper 2- methodology and inequalities (notes don't include gender for the 40 markers)
Paper 3- globalisation and crime and deviance (notes don't include gender for the 40 markers)
(edited 8 months ago)
Thank you so much for this, you are really helping a lot of A level students with this, honestly. God bless you :smile:
Original post by Cosmic321
Here are my sociology notes from 2022 to help you all, these notes are really good and condensed, they contain all the useful information you need. These notes have helped me go from an E grade to an A/B grade, so yes it does really help.

I've realised that there is barely any OCR information on the internet and for the whole of Year 12 and 13 I had to rely on one huge textbook which gets annoying, so hopefully with these notes you can get more information

-These notes are from 2022 so they leave out some topics that aren't included in this years spec, but not all of them.

Paper 1- culture, identity, socialisation and subcultures
Paper 2- methodology and inequalities
Paper 3- globalisation and crime and deviance
it keeps saying theres an error when trying to open the file??
Original post by Cosmic321
Here are my sociology notes from 2022 to help you all, these notes are really good and condensed, they contain all the useful information you need. These notes have helped me go from an E grade to an A/B grade, so yes it does really help.

I've realised that there is barely any OCR information on the internet and for the whole of Year 12 and 13 I had to rely on one huge textbook which gets annoying, so hopefully with these notes you can get more information

-These notes are from 2022 so they leave out some topics that aren't included in this years spec, but not all of them.

Paper 1- culture, identity, socialisation and subcultures
Paper 2- methodology and inequalities
Paper 3- globalisation and crime and deviance

This is so helplful.
thank you !
Reply 4
Original post by cosmic321
here are my sociology notes from 2022 to help you all, these notes are really good and condensed, they contain all the useful information you need. These notes have helped me go from an e grade to an a/b grade, so yes it does really help.
I've realised that there is barely any ocr information on the internet and for the whole of year 12 and 13 i had to rely on one huge textbook which gets annoying, so hopefully with these notes you can get more information
-these notes are from 2022 so they leave out some topics that aren't included in this years spec, but not all of them.
Paper 1- culture, identity, socialisation and subcultures
paper 2- methodology and inequalities
paper 3- globalisation and crime and deviance
thank youuuuuuuuuuu these notes are rlly gooddd i might acc passss😭😭😭
Reply 5
Original post by Cosmic321
Here are my sociology notes from 2022 to help you all, these notes are really good and condensed, they contain all the useful information you need. These notes have helped me go from an E grade to an A/B grade, so yes it does really help.
I've realised that there is barely any OCR information on the internet and for the whole of Year 12 and 13 I had to rely on one huge textbook which gets annoying, so hopefully with these notes you can get more information
-These notes are from 2022 so they leave out some topics that aren't included in this years spec, but not all of them.
Paper 1- culture, identity, socialisation and subcultures
Paper 2- methodology and inequalities
Paper 3- globalisation and crime and deviance
thank you so much for this!! Ive been so overwhelmed with the amount of content and this helped more then ever. thank you!!

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