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I'd say they're all safe as long as you keep your wits about you.
It all depends on how safe you are as a person. For example my friend goes to Westminster University and has never been attacked dispite spending alot of time out on the town in North and East London. Whereas I know someone who goes to Aberwystwyth University and she has been mugged, twice. Just be streetwise and sensible, don't be a "posh student" and get mugged.
The boring cities... York
Nottingham :yep: :biggrin:
I once read that Canterbury was one of the safest university cities.
Nottingham supposedly, has the highest level of violent attacks and shootings in the country...

But I think theres a reasonable chance of any student coming to harm in any city. It depends whether you're in a dodgy area, walking alone or showing off valuables.

Common sense makes any city safe.

Oh and my form tutor got burgled and mugged twice while she was at Coventry Uni
Probably somewhere in the middle of nowhere like Warwick :biggrin:
Manchester is reasonably safe.
Reply 9
Most would probably expect the small cities (Exeter, Canterbey, Cambridge, Oxford, York, Durham, St Andrews, Aber...) to be the safest (taking "safest" to mean those with the fairly low to average crime rates). In terms of major cities then Newcastle, Edinburgh, Bristol, Leeds?

But there's an element of danger in all cities and, even in those with a poor reputation (Nottingham, Manchester, parts of London) you're still unlikely to be a victim of crime, especially if you take the usual precautions. Also, are we talking about the cities in general or, particularly campus unis, just that general area?

That's enough of stereotyping cities for for one day :smile:
I feel very safe in Exeter, and its a lovely city!
Reply 11
Sheffield city council will tell you we are.
Sheffield city council will tell you we are.

Boris Johnson will tell you we are.

Hang on a sec..
Isn't Kent supposed to be the safest university in England?

I know it says something along those lines on their website. However it is up to you to decide whether this is unbiased or not.
Reply 14
Sheffield city council will tell you we are.

D'oh, Sheffield. I'll remove Leeds from my first post and add Sheffield that's a better one. Even so, it has slightly higher crime figures than Newcastle and Oxford and signficiantly higher figures than Exeter and Durham.

So the city council tell porkies :yep:
Reply 15
Manchester is reasonably safe.

u are kidding, manchester has more crime then the whole of london
Reply 16
at manchester, they make you watch special videos about being safe which involve people dressed as sheep being set on fire.
Reply 17
Manchester is safe..... I live there.
I'd like to think Leicester is safe.
I find Leeds fine for safety, the only trouble I've known anyone get into here is fights with other students when drunk on nights out. There's a bit of opportunist burglary goes on if you leave windows open etc, but I have never felt threatened round Hyde Park, Headingley or the city centre touchwood.