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Language degrees

I will be studying a language degree and I have a specific interest in the difference between these two departments - modern languages and east asian studies.
I know mfl is a lot more widespread and most universities offer European languages along with maybe chinese or japanese.
however east asian studies feels a little more specialised and is more shifted towards china, korea and japan and their language, history/society culture.

Anyone who has studied degrees in these departments can give me an insight or an overall experience?
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i know this post is a year old but u make a very valid point! i havent yet studied but i have applied for degrees in both mfl and east asian studies departments. ea studies is obviously very specialised in east asia as a region and usually you study its society/political/history. depends what east asian language you study there will be time to study your chosen language. mfl is similar in a sense that you study a lot on your chosen languages history, culture etc but there are usually more options to choose from in terms of languages(these are usually european ones however)

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