Here are some of the resources I during my PAT and Interview prep:
I did all the PAT papers (available online) and marked my answers against the one available on many platforms online, including PMT.
During my prep for the PAT, I found the Ultimate Oxford PAT Collection by Uni Admissions super helpful. Not only did it have the marking schemes for all previous PAT papers, with highly detailed explanations, they also had their own mock PAT papers, which had questions that were similar to those on the real exam. Some of the questions were very different and needed you to think more out-of-the-box than your regular PAT questions. The mark schemes also bridged a lot of gaps in my learning!
I've linked the book below in case you’d like to use it in the future!
Ultimate Oxford PAT Collection by Uni Admissions:
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-PAT-Collection-breakdowns-UniAdmissions/dp/1913683877You can also solve questions from the NSAA, ENGAA, MAT, STEP but keep in mind that both the ENGAA and NSAA are MCQs, while the MAT and STEP focus more on maths, whereas the PAT gives more importance for Physics.
Ultimate ENGAA Collection by Uni Admissions:
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-ENGAA-Collection-Engineering-preparation/dp/1913683796/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2FKW55L1XB5HE&keywords=engaa&qid=1657965855&sprefix=engaa%2Caps%2C78&sr=8-1Ultimate NSAA Collection by Uni Admissions:
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1915091128Ultimate Oxford MAT Collection by Uni Admissions:
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-MAT-Guide-Admissions-specification/dp/1913683982/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1N3UXMNF8FTWI&keywords=uniadmissions+mat&qid=1658832148&sprefix=uniadmissions+mat%2Caps%2C242&sr=8-4I personally found the books to be very helpful since it has a lot of questions that are both similar to those on the real exam (which aren't easy questions, believe me, so if you can solve the questions in this book, you're more than set) and those that are unique and force you think outside the box. One other benefit was the extremely detailed marking schemes that bridged all the gaps in my learning. I've linked the book below in case you’d like to use it in the future!
The reason I recommend UniAdmissions’ books are because of the quality of the questions and materials in it. They’re created by Oxbridge Graduates so they’re obviously going to be of very high quality. Furthermore, they have a very rigorous process which eliminates all errors, unlike most other resources available online!
I also did plenty of BPhO and IPhO papers, and a couple of UKMT papers - they're great prep too, but imo the BPhO questions weren't as difficult as the PAT for me; UKMT was a bit more challenging; however papers from both these Olympiads were an excellent source to test (and rectify) my thought process, method of solving, and logic.
If you're interested, lmk and I can link the resources I used for my interview prep!
Hope this helps for now!
Best of luck!