The Student Room Group

do you kink shame?

i don’t have many kinks myself however kinks such as ********, ****ing, incest, daddy daughter stuff i will shame because from an objective standpoint it’s disgusting and concerning
however some people have criticised me before for kink shaming… when i think it’s ok. like if ur into BDSM i wont shame u because it’s not exactly harmful however i won’t go out my way to kink shame, but obviously people are gonna find different kinks weird and gross
I guess not. I find some funny or hilarious or nasty but as long as both (or more parties) are overage and consenting and not committing anything illegal then it's fine imo.
I don't care about it unless someone's trying really hard to make people care about it IE talking about it in public. Not talking about sex in public is a 100% effective method of stopping 'kink shaming'.
I find anything comprised of 8 * symbols to be reprehensible.
Reply 4
Original post by ageshallnot
I find anything comprised of 8 * symbols to be reprehensible.

poo and wee lol
Original post by Anonymous
poo and wee lol

Longer than 8! 😆
I don’t really unless it’s incest or some really ****ed up ones.
I kink shame, but I get off on it so you can't judge me.
Depends upon the kink and how illegal/physically dangerous/bizarre/horrifying it is.
Kinks & fetishes that involve: animals, children under 16, drugs, extreme violence, incest/non-blood related family members, human blood or waste, the dead, nails, needles, rape fantasy, strangulation or use of illegal weapons that can easily kill- all of these deserve a severe dose of shaming & heavy social stigmatization. :getmecoat:
Original post by Burnitdown
I don’t really unless it’s incest or some really ****ed up ones.

As per the list from @londonmyst?
Original post by londonmyst
Depends upon the kink and how illegal/physically dangerous/bizarre/horrifying it is.
Kinks & fetishes that involve: animals, children under 16, drugs, extreme violence, incest/non-blood related family members, human blood or waste, the dead, nails, needles, rape fantasy, strangulation or use of illegal weapons that can easily kill- all of these deserve a severe dose of shaming & heavy social stigmatization. :getmecoat: did drugs make that horrendous list? :tongue: You'd think a wee blast of poppers or mandy is pretty tame next to kids/rape/death? :tongue:
Original post by StriderHort did drugs make that horrendous list? :tongue: You'd think a wee blast of poppers or mandy is pretty tame next to kids/rape/death? :tongue:

Insulin abuse. :facepalm:
Last week I had to spend 4 horrendous hours with my eye shut trying to drown out the noise of a divorce client's mountain of videoed evidence that she claimed supported her allegations of unreasonable behaviour & spousal domestic violence.
Original post by londonmyst
Insulin abuse. :facepalm:
Last week I had to spend 4 horrendous hours with my eye shut trying to drown out the noise of a divorce client's mountain of videoed evidence that she claimed supported her allegations of unreasonable behaviour & spousal domestic violence.

That's a new one to me!
Original post by ageshallnot
That's a new one to me!

Being unaware is bliss, I wish I could return to that happy state. :frown:
Original post by londonmyst
Being unaware is bliss, I wish I could return to that happy state. :frown:

You should write a legal article about the case! 😆
Kinks aren't something I talk about irl.
As a general rule: no. I've a number of weird things that turn me on, as do many people, and often it's something you just can't help. If you can find a consenting partner who shares your kinks, or is genuinely happy to participate in them from time to time because they understand what it does for you, then that is a wonderful feeling and makes for mind-blowing intimacy. It's on another level entirely. More people should get to feel that instead of being terrified of rejection or ridicule for sharing what turns them on.

I'm not including anything considered illegal in my opinion here, for the record.
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by Burnitdown
I don’t really unless it’s incest or some really ****ed up ones.

Glad to hear.. I'm don't have limits
As far as I am concerned what happens between two consenting adults is between them.

Some kinks give me the ick, but I'd never shame them. Sexuality is a complex thing and if something works for someone and it is between consenting adults, I don't see the problem. If someone's kink is not for you, just leave them to it. There's no need to go and shame them, you don't need to be involved with it.

The only time I see a problem is when one of the couple can't really give informed consent. If they are drunk / drugged, or if they haven't been given all the information to make an informed choice.

I've seen a lot of the intersectional feminazis suggesting a woman can never consent to BDSM with a man because the intrinsic power dynamics within society mean women can never truly give consent because they are oppressed. But I have this radical idea that women are grown-ups, and are equals to men, and their choices and autonomy should be respected. I find some of the insane woke stuff infantilizes women and tries to control them and prevent them from having the freedom of choice, which is utterly bizarre.

That said, we must be cognizant of innate power imbalances in relationships. Once you're aware of this and both recognise it then you can again achieve informed consent. Age gaps are a big thing to consider. As is coming from different socio-economic backgrounds. Education levels are another thing to consider. I'm not going to spoon-feed you intersectionality, though, if you want to learn more go forth and read. But also read with a critical mind, because there is a lot of insanity in post-modernist philosophically inspired literature.

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