The Student Room Group

Commonwealth Games 2022 TSR Sweepstake

:woo: Hello and welcome to the official TSR Sweepstake for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games :woo:

What is a sweepstake?
This is where you are randomly allocated a country and if your countries wins the games - you get a bit prize!

What is the prize?
We have a number of rep prizes to give out - so if you want to increase your gems, or just fancy a bit of fun then do sign up. :biggrin:

How do I sign up?
Post in this thread with "I'm in", then tag some other users that you think would also be interested. Let's see if we can fill all 72 spots. :woohoo:

More Terms and Conditions

(edited 2 years ago)

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I'm in :smile:
I'm in!

Nominating @Talkative Toad @thrivingfrog @Mesopotamian. @flaurie @vapordave

:crossedf: for Wales (or Australia or England if I actually want to win this thing! :lol: )
(edited 2 years ago)
I’m in
I'm in I guess hoping that I get England but idk.
(edited 2 years ago)
I'm in :smile:
Original post by CatusStarbright

surprised you tagged me, thanks!

I'm in ! :woo:
I'm in :smile:
yes please
i'm in


I’m in!
Thanks for the tag :smile:

@TriplexA @Shawn2006
(I hope Shawn enters and gets somewhere in the UK just to **** him off, he hates Brits :lol:)
(edited 2 years ago)