I worked at aldi as a store assistant during my degree. Not sure about how other stores work, but at mine I could work for up to 12 hours a day with only one 15 minute break for lunch. I was often working longer than my hours I was supposed to in the day, and without pay, as they expect you to complete the work no matter how long it takes. I could work an extra hour cleaning up and not get paid for it. That might just have been my store though.
I think they do definitely get their moneys worth out of you, hence why the wages are higher than normal.
Staff turnover was unbelievably high and morale was very low.
They dont employ many staff, so you will be expected to do the work of about 2 people. When you arent on the till, you will be working on the shop floor, no sitting at a till waiting for a customer. Because of this, quite often on Saturdays the queues would be huge, with only two people in the store who could work on the tills. We had to put up with quite a lot of abusive customers.
Graduate scheme is a starting wage of 40k or so, but the guy who was my boss worked sometimes 7 days a week. Even on his days off he would be in at work doing bits and pieces. It wasnt unheard of him to work a 16 hour day.
Not to put you off, but do be aware of what working in retail will be like. Very different from accountancy thats for sure!