if you are going to apply for medicine, u really need to visit the Uni first. Because u will be spending AT LEAST 5 years of your life there. I say least, because when u have been taught ur clinical skills in hopitals based around that area, u tend to make contacts and feel more confident there. Hence u will prob not leave that area till SHO years. Oh plus the fact that many med schools provide and placement scheme for their graduates.
If u can't visit the Uni then thats fair enough. I realised after applying that a LOT of the info is actually in the prospectus. Open days really just give u a feel for the atmosphere. Theres virtually no excuse for not knowing the couse structure, content and teaching method. Coupled with the fact that all the info is at ur finger tips!
I spoke to people who are in the middle of applying, are undergrads or graduates from the Unis I wanted to go to. But I first had to narrow them down, and that was done by reading prospectuses. I found out what I really wanted from each Univeristy...in my case it wasn't social atmosphere...but more teaching method. U'd be surprised how much teaching methods of Unis will effect ur learning outcome- does a very traditional style suit u, or does PBL suit u? And this is where threads like this, can often spell trouble. Its peoples opinions and U can't make a decision based on them. For example, I spoke to some people regarding Liverpool for medicine...its a well established and reputed medical school...all good so far, so I went to and did some research and discoverd that inspite of peoples positive views, I very much disliked it. Staying open minded, i went to the open day, and it fully confirmed my own opinion of the school.
U really mustn't rely on other people to give u an opinion because each person is different. Especially for medicine, u need to be fully confident that ur particualr schools are right for u. Not just because So and So sed it was good.
NO ONE CAN TELL U WHICH IS GOOD FOR YOU!! However little u choose to take notice to these opinions- will still affect ur decision. And thats bad, cos u first need to make some decisions urself. The best thing to do is to narrow ur choices down and then asked for opinions on those certain Unis.
I take it u haven't applied for 2004 entry, so theres still a year or whatever to go. Thats plenty of time to start flickin thru prosps.
100% behind you Mark