How do you draw error bars/ standard deviation bars on graph.
My mean is 139.0 standard deviation is 53.41
how do i draw the bar on my graph?
anything will help thanks in advance
Sorry about the long wait (3 years ) I was searching for something and this thread came up. You work out the error bars using the formula SE=SD/sqrt n and then when you plot this, you plot the mean, and then 2x above and below the mean. Although I'm guessing you figured this out 3 years later...
Sorry about the long wait (3 years ) I was searching for something and this thread came up. You work out the error bars using the formula SE=SD/sqrt n and then when you plot this, you plot the mean, and then 2x above and below the mean. Although I'm guessing you figured this out 3 years later...
hahahaha amazing but r u sure its x2 on both sides i though it was just once?
Who would have thought this thread was still going
It is definitely x2 above and below the mean, it basically means that doing 2x above and below means the chances of the true value lying outside the bars is less than 5%(x2 makes it more accurate)