The Student Room Group
wow joanne, enver ehard of that gcse before!! mmm........well, i doubt there will be many revision guides for it, because it seems new to me mate, well, i suppose waterstones might have some kind of revision guide for it, they usually have any type of bok you can think of!!! :smile: good luck!!
I am doing a GCSE in Agriculture and Horticulture (I think it is know and rural science) and wondered if anyone knows where I can buy some revision books or print off past exam papers related to the subjet. :smile: Also is anyone else here doing it? I just sometimes think my school is the only school that does it.

Which exam board is it with?
Reply 3
Guess I will just have to keep looking out for a book :biggrin: or make some of my own revision notes :rolleyes: Anyway the exam board is OCR.
Reply 4
Never heard of it either...asking your teacher is probably your best bet. They may know of some good resources.
Guess I will just have to keep looking out for a book :biggrin: or make some of my own revision notes :rolleyes: Anyway the exam board is OCR.

There are some sample papers (no past papers as it's only been around in this syllabus for a yr) and a downloadable student guide etc etc here