The point of this experiment is to determine the value of x in FeSO4.xH20 by titration.
I started with 3.06g of FeSO4.xH20 then dissolved this in 50cm3 of 1moldm-3 H2SO4. I then made this up to 250cm3 with distilled water.
I then got 25cm3 of that solution, and added about 20cm3 of 1 mol dm-3 H2SO4 in a conical flask and titrated that against 0.01 moldm-3 Potassium Permanganate KMnO4.
Now, I dont understand why more H2SO4 is added after the original 50. I also dont know what the equation for the reaction actually is, so if someone could help me understand the reacion and titration a bit better, I would be grateful.
Thanks for the help.