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What is the average salary for a 16 year old?

What is the average salary for a 16 year old? And on average how many hours would a sixteen yr old work part time along side sixth form. I don't know if i'm overworking myself with a-levels at 12 hours a week.
Original post by smasters7070
What is the average salary for a 16 year old? And on average how many hours would a sixteen yr old work part time along side sixth form. I don't know if i'm overworking myself with a-levels at 12 hours a week.

Hi, I'm not sure it would be easy to find an average salary, however, when I was 16, I earned £5 an hour at my local pub, although you might earn more if you were able to work at a chain supermarket or restaurant. Minimum wage is about £4.60 I think for 16-year-olds. Throughout 6th form, I worked about 2 shifts a week on average (8-10 hours ish), and more in holidays. I wouldn't say there's a set number of hours that amount to 'overworking yourself', but I would say you need to be mindful about how much free time you have, how tired and stressed you are, how your grades are doing and how you feel in general, so that you can decide if you need to step back a bit from work. I would recommend getting 0-hours contract if you can, since it means you're not obligated to work at all, and there's no minimum number of hours you need to work, so you can pick up shifts as and when you feel like it.
Original post by smasters7070
What is the average salary for a 16 year old? And on average how many hours would a sixteen yr old work part time along side sixth form. I don't know if i'm overworking myself with a-levels at 12 hours a week.

There's no such thing, most 16 year olds won't be working. You will be lucky to be above minimum wage. Here are the rules on working hours
Reply 3
Supermarkets pay well and seem to pay around £10per hour now after annintitial probationary period and pay everyone the same regardless of age. I think McDondalds is same.

Many non chain shops seem to pay £5-6 per hour.

People doing stuff they have to be qualified for often get more…sports coaches, lifeguards, swim teachers etc. If you can do a course to qualify in one of these, you can earn better money.

Working for one of the group tutor firms like Kumon seems to pay reasonably.

Some companies are more flexible on hours than others. Supermarkets often want 13+ hours and some want 20+ which is probably too much for A Level student. Some might be zero hour which is flexible but often means no work or they want you to always be available and to never have to give you any work.
Minimum wage
Original post by smasters7070
What is the average salary for a 16 year old? And on average how many hours would a sixteen yr old work part time along side sixth form. I don't know if i'm overworking myself with a-levels at 12 hours a week.

idk what the average wage is but minimum wage for a 16/17 year old is £6.40 an hour and a part time job is usually about 35 hours a week
Reply 6
No, a full time job is 37 hours.

part-time can be anything from a zero hours contract up to anything below full time.

People at school and college might only work Saturday and/or an evening or 2. Uni students might do a few hours up to almost full time if they can fit it in.

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