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Dreaming about things going wrong

I'm in a pretty perfect relationship, but I keep dreaming about things going really wrong. Eg last night I dreamt he died and then I couldn't cope and killed myself. I woke up with tears and not feeling rested at all. I regularly have dreams like these, of me cheating or breaking his heart somehow.

Does anybody else have dreams about things going wrong with are pretty perfect in real life? And does it mean anything? Please keep anonymous since my boyfriend sometimes uses this forum.
I'm in a pretty perfect relationship, but I keep dreaming about things going really wrong. Eg last night I dreamt he died and then I couldn't cope and killed myself. I woke up with tears and not feeling rested at all. I regularly have dreams like these, of me cheating or breaking his heart somehow.

Does anybody else have dreams about things going wrong with are pretty perfect in real life? And does it mean anything? Please keep anonymous since my boyfriend sometimes uses this forum.

Maybe it's the type of person you are. Personality is difficult to change, but do you find that you might be anxious with regard to other parts of your life?
Oh I do that! Last night he cheated...not in real life like. Well, not that I know of. & I always think hes going to die. I do get properly stressed about things I know are completely unreasonable but I cant help it. Possibly have some sort of anxiety thing, I dont know.

Dont know if it means anything, I always think it cant be a good thing to be on the verge of tears over sod all at times and I have no advice. But there are other people like you...not that its much help but its something...
Reply 3
Thanks, both of you. The thing is, I'm not insecure about him at all in real life, I know he loves me and I'm confident nothing bad is going to happen. If I was actually worried about our relationship then I wouldn't be so confused about these dreams, although it's possible I'd be dreaming of things being perfect. Maybe that's the answer...
Maybe it's because you're so happy that you have had thoughts such as 'What would I ever do without him' or, 'I hope he always stays loyal etc' and these random passing thoughts have been brought out in your dream as death and unfaithfulness...? Dreams are very odd and can twist things you think into very surreal scenarios :smile: Hope they stop, they are horrible x
Reply 5
Dreams mean a lot of things to different people, but If i'd had the dream you'd described I'd personally feel like I must be anxious about something within my relationship.
Nothing is ever perfect which is why we have insecurities that make us dream things like this. I had several dreams before my first day at uni of missing all of my lectures due to silly reasons. I woke up late, couldn't find a particular pair of shoes I wanted to wear even though the whole room was full of shoes, found I had all the wrong books, went to the wrong hall etc.

It was all for nothing in the end because none of that happened and everything was fine. It is just your unconcious playing tricks on you :yep:
omg i was literally just about to start a very similar thread just now.
ive been having pretty similar dreams too, though noone has died yet, but in the dreams either we break up or he cheats on me and i actually cant handle it, i become a mess, though the dreams dont really specify for how long, and in the dreams it really affects my work, as i am at a high pressure university that would be reallllly bad.

im just attempting to take it rationally, thinking that kind of thing wont happen, and if you think about it too much then you will not only confuse yourself and get overly worried about your relationship, which probably doesnt have any real problems in it.

Although im getting worried that i might end up sabotaging my own perfect relationship, i never thought id be this kind of person as im so rational.

But yea i hope the dreams go away :smile:
Reply 8
I sometimes have dreams about failing exams. Which is weird because I know that's not going to happen. I'm great at exams.
I dreamt once that my boyfriend kissed one of my sisters in front of me. I was so shocked all I could do was stare! I'm not worried though; I know he would never, ever cheat in any way whatsoever (and I trust my sisters too, obviously), so I think it was just my subconscious playing tricks on me.
Reply 10
Every time I dream no matter what I'm doing there is always something goes wrong it can be a traffic jam or a dead end or just simply I order 2 drinks and he gives me them in the one glass . I'm a man of 66 and been having this dreams for years I never get a good dream