The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Original post by anrii
If I only just met the standard entry requirements say AAABB would I have any real chance of getting in or do I need more

No they are fine.What unis we talking?
Reply 2
Original post by Scotney
No they are fine.What unis we talking?

Aberdeen, Dundee, Strathclyde its still early too early in the year for predicted grades so I don't actually know my grades yet
Reply 3
Original post by anrii
Aberdeen, Dundee, Strathclyde its still early too early in the year for predicted grades so I don't actually know my grades yet

Reply 4
As above - subject, and are you a Scottish applicant?
Reply 5
Original post by ajj2000
As above - subject, and are you a Scottish applicant?

Law and yes I am
Reply 6
Original post by anrii
Law and yes I am

Standard grades would be fine.Find out when open days are and go and visit.That way you can get it from the horse's mouth too.
Reply 7
Original post by Scotney
Standard grades would be fine.Find out when open days are and go and visit.That way you can get it from the horse's mouth too.

I went to one the other day I was too nervous to ask however lol I'm gonna email them now
Reply 8
Original post by anrii
I went to one the other day I was too nervous to ask however lol I'm gonna email them now

That's a good idea but next time just pluck up the courage and ask.That's what the professors are there for plus loads of others will be glad you asked so they don't have too.They are great grades by the way.:u:
Reply 9
Original post by Scotney
That's a good idea but next time just pluck up the courage and ask.That's what the professors are there for plus loads of others will be glad you asked so they don't have too.They are great grades by the way.:u:

I will try lol thanks for the help!
Original post by anrii
I will try lol thanks for the help!

No problem!