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Official Aston University 2023 Applicant Thread

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I just firmed my choice for doing BSc in Economics at Aston. Is there any1 else that is doing it or something similar to my course? Who else is living out in uni accommodations as well?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by KGStealth
I just firmed my choice for doing BSc in Economics at Aston. Is there any1 else that is doing it or something similar to my course? Who else is living out in uni accommodations as well?

Firmed BSc Finance at Aston 🙂
Reply 42
Original post by KGStealth
I just firmed my choice for doing BSc in Economics at Aston. Is there any1 else that is doing it or something similar to my course? Who else is living out in uni accommodations as well?

I’ve firmed Pharmacy at Aston :-)

Yes I’m also living out and I booked Aston halls for accommodation too.
Jeez, that's nice to know. Do you guys wna keep in touch through social media or something?
Reply 44
Original post by KGStealth
Jeez, that's nice to know. Do you guys wna keep in touch through social media or something?

Yeh that would be good
Original post by Kay_20
I’ve firmed Pharmacy at Aston :-)

Yes I’m also living out and I booked Aston halls for accommodation too.

Btw which halls did you pick? Does it matter much or nah?
Reply 46
Original post by KGStealth
Btw which halls did you pick? Does it matter much or nah?

I picked James Watt. It doesnt matter which ones you pick as both halls are exactly the same and all of them have en-suites. You have a choice of staying in 5 bed or 7 bed flats in both James W and William M
Original post by Kay_20
I picked James Watt. It doesnt matter which ones you pick as both halls are exactly the same and all of them have en-suites. You have a choice of staying in 5 bed or 7 bed flats in both James W and William M

Ah ok thank you
Reply 48
Original post by Kay_20
I’ve firmed Pharmacy at Aston :-)

Yes I’m also living out and I booked Aston halls for accommodation too.

Hi, how long after your interview did you hear back, had mine last week, just wondering!
Reply 49
Original post by rda234
Hi, how long after your interview did you hear back, had mine last week, just wondering!

I had my interview on 14th Dec. They said they'd get back to me within 7 days but they didnt and because of Christmas and NY hols there was a delay. I emailed them around 3rd Jan or so and they got back to me on email the same day saying they've updated UCAS with their decision and for me to check UCAS in next couple of hours. Saw the offer on UCAS a couple of hours later.
Hi, Anyone applying for MSc Mechanical Engineering ?
Original post by StrawberryDreams

This is the thread for people who are thinking of applying to Aston University for 2023!

Meet and chat to other people applying here.

Ice breaker questions:

What course are you applying for?
What subjects are you studying now?

You can find the list of all other applicant threads for 2023 here. Good luck! :heart:

I am currently taking a gap year and applied for optometry. I got a place but decided on another uni. I have a bronze studio at Lucas Studios booked. Only a 1 minute walk from the Uni. It is £174 pw for 51 weeks. I need to find a replacement tenant ASAP. Please reply if interested.
anyone doing product design?
Hi is this still available?
Original post by samha28
I am currently taking a gap year and applied for optometry. I got a place but decided on another uni. I have a bronze studio at Lucas Studios booked. Only a 1 minute walk from the Uni. It is £174 pw for 51 weeks. I need to find a replacement tenant ASAP. Please reply if interested.
Original post by Anonymous
Hi is this still available?

Original post by Kay_20
I applied for Pharmacy and just firmed Aston :-)

Omg same here
Original post by Kieran1234444
Omg same here

Did u attend the offer holder day
Reply 57
Original post by Kieran1234444
Did u attend the offer holder day

Great you firmed it too and yeh I went to the offer holder, did you go too? Have you booked accommodation? I booked James Watt
Original post by Kay_20
Great you firmed it too and yeh I went to the offer holder, did you go too? Have you booked accommodation? I booked James Watt

Yes I went too. I haven't booked an accommodation as I'm going to commute there from home
Original post by ayesha_15
Anyone applying to optom?

Yeahh In’sha’Allah we both get the grades

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